Project for the Helsinki University course Introduction to Data Science
To edit the content of the site, edit docs/index.Rmd markdown. Then ping Tuomo or use RStudio/knitr to update the .html.
To run the scraper to scrape the mushroom details and pictures from MushroomWorld you have to first install scrapy: pip install scrapy
Then go the to folder: cd shroom_scrapers/
And enter: scrapy crawl mw_scraper
The images have been already downloaded and are downloaded inside the Jupyter notebook.
Below is an example on how to load the keras model from a json file and then attach the trained weights to it.
from keras.models import model_from_json
json_file = open('models/model.json', 'r')
loaded_model_json =
loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json)
Note that the model expects inputs as 4d arrays: (None, 480, 480, 3). If you want to predict the probability of edibility of a single mushroom, pass the image to the model as a (1, 480, 480, 3) array. Also note that the model has been trained using images where the pixes values have been rescaled to value between 0 and 1. The model expects that all inputs are rescaled by a division by 255.
x = X_imgs[0] # X_imgs contains images as (N, 480, 480, 3) array
x.shape = (1, ) + x.shape # reshape x to (1, 480, 480, 3)
x = x / 255.0 # rescale
# array([[ 0.32712618]], dtype=float32)