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Dynamically track IR as a graph, using source transformations

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Previously known as DynamicComputationGraphs

The aim of this project is to provide a graph representation suitable for dynamic models, as they occur in probabilistic programming languages (e.g. with stochastic control flow, or model recursion). To implement this, I use an approach between the two traditional ideas: operator overloading and source transformations. The resulting data structure is an “extended Wengert list” – a generalization of traditional Wengert lists used for backward mode AD, which 1) also records control flow operations, 2) preserves the hierarchy of function calls by being nested, instead of fully linearized, and 3) can carry arbitrary metadata, which is customizable by a context system (similar to what you can do in Cassette.jl).

The representation should be able to:

  • Perform the usual forward computation (without performance overhead by interpretation)
  • Record expression nodes representing the calculation (raw Expr or something equivalent, allowing to convert back)
  • Record meta-information from the original code, such as information about random variable types, conditions, etc.
  • Record, if applicable, information needed for backward calculation
  • The backward information in the graph should be mutable, so that one can update subgraphs without full re-evaluation when changing parts of a model.


My basic idea is to use a nested tape, consisting of the IR instructions of the executed code, including control flow. This type should be similar to a Wengert list, in that it records linearly the statements executed during the execution of a function, but contain information about function calls (so, more like nested Wengert lists) and metadata.

These should be possible to extract by inserting a "recording statement" after each instruction of a given function.

If we look at a simple function with stochastic control flow,

geom(n, β) = rand() < β ? n : geom(n + 1, β)

with IR code

1: (%1, %2, %3)
  %4 = Main.rand()
  %5 = %4 < %3
  br 2 unless %5
  return %2
  %6 = %2 + 1
  %7 = Main.geom(%6, %3)
  return %7

(using IRTools format ), we would record a trace of geom(1, 0.5) as follows, under the assumption that rand() returns a value greater than β the first time and less the second time:

Extended Wengert list of geom with annotations

(This result is expanded to only three levels, since the full output would be huge.)

Here, the indented lines indicate the "inner code" recorded in the recursive calls. Since we record intermediate values as well, and track data dependencies by pointers, this is equivalent to a traditional tape used for backward mode AD, just with the control flow nodes between.

This, together with the original IR, while being a bit cryptic, contains the following information:

  • Every executed statement, linked to the original. Corresponding SSA values in the original code are annotated in [brackets], by their block and variable id (§s:%i). Arguments, having no associated expressions, are prefixed with Arg:.
  • All intermediate values on the data path. They are, as all nodes, numbered as @i. These are referred to in expressions recorded, to that a backward pass is trivial.
  • The branching instructions actually taken, written in literal form goto label. Blocks are referred to by paragraph signs: §b. They are annotated as well with the block they come from, and the position among all branch statements within that block: [§b:&position].
  • Nested function calls and their arguments (note that the argument %1 stands for the function itself and is not used most of the time).
  • Constants (literals in the expressions) are written in ⟨angle brackets⟩ (this makes debugging the transformed code easier).
  • Not shown here, but “special expression”, such as Expr(:foreigncall, …), are written as $(foreigncall)(…).

Furthermore, argument assignments in blocks jumped to by branches are linked back to the respective arguments by using the notation @i#j = value:

julia> function h(x, n)
           r = zero(x)
           i = 0
           while i < n
               r += x^i
               i += 1
           return r
h (generic function with 1 method)

julia> printlevels(track(h, 2.0, 2), 2)
⟨h⟩(⟨2.0⟩, ⟨2⟩, ()...) → 3.0::Float64
  @1: [Arg:§1:%1] h::typeof(h)
  @2: [Arg:§1:%2] 2.0::Float64
  @3: [Arg:§1:%3] 2::Int64
  @4: [§1:%4] ⟨zero⟩(@2, ()...) → 0.0::Float64
  @5: [§1:&1] goto §2 (⟨0⟩, @4)
  @6: [Arg:§2:%5] @5#1 → 0::Int64
  @7: [Arg:§2:%6] @5#2 → 0.0::Float64
  @8: [§2:%7] ⟨<⟩(@6, @3, ()...) → true::Bool
  @9: [§2:&2] goto §3
  @10: [§3:%8] ⟨^⟩(@2, @6, ()...) → 1.0::Float64
  @11: [§3:%9] ⟨+⟩(@7, @10, ()...) → 1.0::Float64
  @12: [§3:%10] ⟨+⟩(@6, ⟨1⟩, ()...) → 1::Int64
  @13: [§3:&1] goto §2 (@12, @11)
  @14: [Arg:§2:%5] @13#1 → 1::Int64
  @15: [Arg:§2:%6] @13#2 → 1.0::Float64
  @16: [§2:%7] ⟨<⟩(@14, @3, ()...) → true::Bool
  @17: [§2:&2] goto §3
  @18: [§3:%8] ⟨^⟩(@2, @14, ()...) → 2.0::Float64
  @19: [§3:%9] ⟨+⟩(@15, @18, ()...) → 3.0::Float64
  @20: [§3:%10] ⟨+⟩(@14, ⟨1⟩, ()...) → 2::Int64
  @21: [§3:&1] goto §2 (@20, @19)
  @22: [Arg:§2:%5] @21#1 → 2::Int64
  @23: [Arg:§2:%6] @21#2 → 3.0::Float64
  @24: [§2:%7] ⟨<⟩(@22, @3, ()...) → false::Bool
  @25: [§2:&1] goto §4 since @24 == false
  @26: [§4:&1] return @23 → 3.0::Float64

The spurious ()... arguments represent the empty varargs part.

In this form, a backward pass is as trivial as following back the references from the last return and adding adjoint values in the metadata.

The data structure used for this is an abstract AbstractNode type, with subtypes for:

  • Arguments and constants;
  • Special calls (such as :inbounds) and primitive calls (by default, everything which is builtin or intrinsic, but this can be changed by using a context – see below);
  • Nested calls, containing recursively the nodes from a non-primitive call; and
  • Return and jump nodes, being recorded when a branch is taken.


Constructing this kind of trace should be possible by extending the original IR by inserting a constant number of statements before and after each original statement (and some at the beginning of each block), somehow like this:

Annotated transformed code of geom

The extra argument, %5, is a GraphRecorder object where all statements are recorded onto using record!. Each kind of statement is reified by a call to tracked<whatever> (plus some preparations), and finally replaced by record!, which returns its original value. The function trackcall recursively does the same kind of thing to the nested calls (depending the current notion of “primitive” calls, that is – see below under “Contexts” for more about this).

This transformation is implemented using an IRTools dynamo, which in essence is just a fancier generated function, allowing one to operate with IRTools.IR instead of "raw" CodeInfos. In this dynamo, the original IR is completely rebuilt to insert all necessary tracking statements.

There’s some things to note:

  • Branches are recorded by first creating a node for each branch in a block, then passing this as an extra argument to the actual branch. The actual recording is done in the target block. For this reason, all return branches are replaced by jumps to an extra “return block” at the end.
  • There’s some additional runtime logic in the trackcall function, which determines how to differentiate between “primitive” and “non-primitive” calls (serving as the stopping case for the recursive tracking).
  • The purpose of trackedvariable is to make sure that tape references (@i in the output) actually point to the last usage of a SSA variable (since that can happen multiple times in a loop).
  • There are some spliced-in QuoteNodes. These result from inlined literal values known at the time of the transformation (either because they are statically determined, such as IR indices/locations, or because they result from literals in the original code).


You may have noticed that all tracked<whatever> functions above take the GraphRecorder as their first argument. Through this, a context object gets passed down the transformed functions, and is used for dispatch in in the internal functions (mostly trackcall). These context arguments work similar to the contexts in Cassette.jl, and let you overload the behaviour of how tracking works by providing custom implementations of a method of the tracker functions.

The main parts of customizable behaviour are 1) to change what is considered a primitive (e.g., a “primitively” differentiable function is primitive in an AD application – no need to recurse further), and 2) to record custom metadata.

For examples, see the end of the readme or the context test cases.

Trying it out

Currently, there are only a couple of very primitive examples in runtests.jl, but the interface is simple:

node = track(f, args...)

node will be a NestedCallNode (unless f is primitive), with value(node) being the result of f(args...).

Since tracked graphs are recursive, they can become very large. To inspect only the “top level” of them, you can use printlevels:

julia> f(x) = sin(x) + x
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> node = track(f, 1.0);

julia> printlevels(node, 2)
⟨f⟩(⟨1.0⟩, ()...) → 1.8414709848078965::Float64
  @1: [Arg:§1:%1] f::typeof(f)
  @2: [Arg:§1:%2] 1.0::Float64
  @3: [§1:%3] ⟨sin⟩(@2, ()...) → 0.8414709848078965::Float64
  @4: [§1:%4] ⟨+⟩(@3, @2, ()...) → 1.8414709848078965::Float64
  @5: [§1:&1] return @4 → 1.8414709848078965::Float64

Nodes in general may have children and a parent:

julia> getchildren(node)
5-element Array{AbstractNode,1}:
 @1: f::typeof(f)
 @2: 1.0::Float64
 @3: ⟨sin⟩(@2, ()...) → 0.8414709848078965::Float64
 @4: ⟨+⟩(@3, @2, ()...) → 1.8414709848078965::Float64
 @5: return @4 → 1.8414709848078965::Float64 
julia> getparent(node[4]) === node

As you can see, normal indexing can also be used to access the children of a nested node.

There are provided several functions to inspect the dependencies in the code. referenced results in the parent nodes which a node directly references, and backwards follows back these references transitively (within the current NestedCallNode):

julia> printlevels(node, 2)
⟨f⟩(⟨1.0⟩, ()...) → 1.8414709848078965::Float64
  @1: [Arg:§1:%1] f::typeof(f)
  @2: [Arg:§1:%2] 1.0::Float64
  @3: [§1:%3] ⟨sin⟩(@2, ()...) → 0.8414709848078965::Float64
  @4: [§1:%4] ⟨+⟩(@3, @2, ()...) → 1.8414709848078965::Float64
  @5: [§1:&1] return @4 → 1.8414709848078965::Float64
julia> referenced(node[5])
1-element Array{AbstractNode,1}:
 @4: ⟨+⟩(@3, @2, ()...) → 1.8414709848078965::Float64
julia> backward(node[5])
3-element Array{AbstractNode,1}:
 @4: ⟨+⟩(@3, @2, ()...) → 1.8414709848078965::Float64
 @3: ⟨sin⟩(@2, ()...) → 0.8414709848078965::Float64
 @2: 1.0::Float64

For special cases, such as when implementing AD, we can also require the references to be numbered according to their position in calls:

julia> referenced(node[5], numbered = true)
1-element Array{Pair{Int64,AbstractNode},1}:
 1 => @4: ⟨+⟩(@3, @2, ()...) → 1.8414709848078965::Float64

julia> referenced(node[4], numbered = true)
2-element Array{Pair{Int64,AbstractNode},1}:
 2 => @3: ⟨sin⟩(@2, ()...) → 0.8414709848078965::Float64
 3 => @2: 1.0::Float64

Constant arguments are left out. For function calls, 1 corresponds to the function itself.

dependents and forward are the corresponding query functions in the other direction:

julia> dependents(node[2])
2-element Array{AbstractNode,1}:
 @3: ⟨sin⟩(@2, ()...) → 0.8414709848078965::Float64
 @4: ⟨+⟩(@3, @2, ()...) → 1.8414709848078965::Float64	

julia> forward(node[2])
3-element Array{AbstractNode,1}:
 @3: ⟨sin⟩(@2, ()...) → 0.8414709848078965::Float64
 @4: ⟨+⟩(@3, @2, ()...) → 1.8414709848078965::Float64
 @5: return @4 → 1.8414709848078965::Float64

See also the query function for a more detailed, internal iterface to the node hierarchy.

Finally, we can also inspect various properties of each node:

julia> typeof(node[3])

julia> getvalue(node[3])

julia> getfunction(node[3])

julia> getvalue(getfunction(node[3]))
sin (generic function with 12 methods))

julia> getarguments(node[3])

julia> getvalue.(getarguments(node[3]))

Each node also has a location in the original IR:

julia> printlevels(node[4], 1)  # this node is huge...
@4: [§1:%4] ⟨+⟩(@3, @2, ()...) → 1.8414709848078965::Float64

julia> getlocation(node[4])

The original IR from which a node was recorded is available, and can be indexed by the location:

julia> getir(node[4])
1: (%1, %2)
  %3 = Main.sin(%2)
  %4 = %3 + %2
  return %4

julia> getir(node[4])[getlocation(node[4])]
IRTools.Inner.Statement(:(%3 + %2), Any, 1)

See graphapi.jl, nodes.jl, and tapeexpr.jl for more functionality.


If we want to use contexts, we have to create a new subtype of AbstractTrackingContext. Say we want to limit the recursive tracking to a maximum level (to avoid having to call printlevels every time), then we could start with the following:

struct DepthLimitContext <: AbstractTrackingContext

DepthLimitContext(maxlevel) = DepthLimitContext(1, maxlevel)

# a little helper:
increase_level(ctx::DepthLimitContext) = DepthLimitContext(ctx.level + 1, ctx.maxlevel)

Then, we can overload some functions for things we want to change:

import IRTracker: canrecur, trackednested

# this is the main thing to make this work: 
canrecur(ctx::DepthLimitContext, f, args...) = ctx.level < ctx.maxlevel

# and if we recur into a nested function, we need to update the level in the context:
function trackednested(ctx::DepthLimitContext, f_repr::TapeExpr,
                       args_repr::ArgumentTuple{TapeValue}, info::NodeInfo)
    new_ctx = increase_level(ctx)
    return recordnestedcall(new_ctx, f_repr, args_repr, info)

recordnestedcall is the fallback implementation, like recurse in Cassette.jl, and returns a NestedCallNode with the recorded children.

Once we have a custom context, we can just pass it as the first argument to track:

julia> call = track(DepthLimitContext(2), geom, 1, 0.5)
⟨geom⟩(⟨1⟩, ⟨0.5⟩, ()...) → 4::Int64
  @1: [Arg:§1:%1] geom::typeof(geom)
  @2: [Arg:§1:%2] 1::Int64
  @3: [Arg:§1:%3] 0.5::Float64
  @4: [§1:%4] ⟨rand⟩() → 0.933407016129252::Float64
  @5: [§1:%5] ⟨<⟩(@4, @3) → false::Bool
  @6: [§1:&1] goto §2 since @5 == false
  @7: [§2:%6] ⟨+⟩(@2, ⟨1⟩) → 2::Int64
  @8: [§2:%7] ⟨geom⟩(@7, @3) → 4::Int64
  @9: [§2:&1] return @8 → 4::Int64

Note that here, all the nodes at level 2 are PrimitiveNodes!

If no context is provided, the constant DEFAULT_CTX::DefaultTrackingContext will be used, which tracks everything down to primitive/intrinsic functions (see isbuiltin), and records no additional metadata. DepthLimitContext is also provided by the library, in case you need it.

At the moment, the overloadable methods are canrecur, trackedargument, trackedcall, trackedconstant, trackedjump, trackednested, trackedprimitive, trackedreturn, and trackedspecial. Provided fallbacks are recordnestedcall, as explained, and isbuiltin for canrecur (you are not forced to use these, but otherwise, you’d have to manually construct the node structures to return.)

For something more complex, you can have a look at the AD implementation in the test folder.


Dynamically track IR as a graph, using source transformations






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