TeamCity Docker Agent Supporting NodeJs (teamcity-node-docker-agent)and headless chrome and Firefox for running tests
A docker agent for TeamCity that supports NodeJs and headless chrome and Firefox for running tests
Based on the official TeamCity Agent image with Nodejs added on top.
Based on:
docker build -t teamcity-node-docker-agent .
This will start it up with docker build support and remove the container when you exit.
Remember to replace Server address that will point it to your TeamCity server.
docker run -it -e SERVER_URL="<Server address>" --privileged -e DOCKER_IN_DOCKER=start -e DOCKER_OPTS="--insecure-registry --insecure-registry" -e AGENT_NAME="DockerNodejs-Agent" --name teamcity-node-docker-agent --rm teamcity-node-docker-agent
The two --insecure-registry
Is only needed if communicating with a insecure registry.