Asynchronous client-side (packets) damage indicator spigot plugin
SpectralDamage is an open collaboration project by TwiDev.
Supported versions: 1.8.X - 1.20
Spectral Damage is a minecraft spigot plugin that allows you to display in the form of an animated hologram the damage that a player inflicts on a mob or another player
Download API Jar here
Maven / gradle : soon
Add this line of code in the plugin.yml of your plugin so that the functions of the api work correctly, moreover do not forget to add the plugin spectraldamage.jar on your server.
- SpectralDamage
Get Damage Type instante:
private static DamageTypeFactory NORMAL_DAMAGE;
public void onEnable(){
NORMAL_DAMAGE = SpectralDamage.getInstance().getDamageTypeFactory(DamageType.NORMAL);
Spawn Damage Indicator
SpectralDamage.getInstance().spawnDamageIndicator(player.getLocation(), NORMAL_DAMAGE, 10, true);