Sweater Weather Express is a backend application written in Express.js designed to supply formatted JSON API endpoints. The application is designed to a provided specification for integration with a potential future frontend, and is expected to manage a database of users who will be authenticated using a unique API key, make forecast requests for city queries on behalf of authenticated users, and manage favorited locations on behalf of authenticated users.
The following dependencies are required:
- Node.js
- Express.js
- PostgreSQL
npm install # Install dependencies
npx sequelize db:create # Create PostgreSQL Database
npx sequelize db:migrate # Run migrations for database setup
Additionally, you will be required to obtain API keys for the following services:
- Google Maps
- Dark Sky
These API keys will need to be stored in a .env
file located at the root of the project, with the following format:
This file will be parsed by the application using the dotenv
package to load them in to environment variables, and are required for making requests to the Geocoding and Forecast services.
Once initial setup is completed the application can be executed using npm start
The application provides the following endpoints:
New user accounts can be registered via a POST
request to the /api/v1/users
endpoint. The request must contain an email (unique in the system), password, and password confirmation matching the format provided below.
POST /api/v1/users
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password",
"password_confirmation": "password"
The application will return the API key for the newly created user if the request is successful, along with a status code of 201.
status: 201
"api_key": "1a46d0f47e622496255c3ed9b08fef67",
In the event that the request is unsuccessful, the application will return an error message, along with a status code of 401.
status: 401
"error": "email must be unique"
Existing users can retrieve their API key by submitting a POST
request to the endpoint /api/v1/sessions
with their email and password.
POST /api/v1/sessions
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "password"
The application will return the API key for the user if the request is successful, along with a status code of 200.
status: 200
"api_key": "1a46d0f47e622496255c3ed9b08fef67",
In the event of a failed request, the application responds with a 401 status code and a message indicating the email or password was invalid.
status: 401
"error": "Invalid email or password"
The application allows authenticated users to request forecasts for a location by submitting a GET
request to the endpoint /api/v1/forecast
. A query parameter of location
indicates the desired location for the forecast, and the user's API key must be provided in the body.
GET /api/v1/forecast?location=austin,tx
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"api_key": "1a46d0f47e622496255c3ed9b08fef67"
If the request is successful, the application responds with a 200 status, and a forecast object containing the location, current weather (currently), an hourly breakdown (hourly), and a daily forecast (daily). A sample response can be seen below (only one hourly and daily value are shown).
status: 200
"location": "Austin, TX, USA",
"currently": {
"summary": "Clear",
"icon": "clear-night",
"precipIntensity": 0,
"precipProbability": 0,
"temperature": 70.8,
"humidity": 0.85,
"pressure": 1012.23,
"windSpeed": 2.77,
"windGust": 8.01,
"windBearing": 175,
"cloudCover": 0.06,
"visibility": 9.21
"hourly": {
"summary": "Mostly cloudy starting later tonight.",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"data": [
"time": 1557115200,
"summary": "Clear",
"icon": "clear-night",
"precipIntensity": 0,
"precipProbability": 0,
"temperature": 71.13,
"apparentTemperature": 71.91,
"dewPoint": 66.23,
"humidity": 0.85,
"pressure": 1012.13,
"windSpeed": 2.42,
"windGust": 7.51,
"windBearing": 166,
"cloudCover": 0,
"uvIndex": 0,
"visibility": 9.07,
"ozone": 314.95
"daily": {
"summary": "Rain tomorrow through Saturday, with high temperatures falling to 72°F on Friday.",
"icon": "rain",
"data": [
"time": 1557032400,
"summary": "Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.",
"icon": "partly-cloudy-day",
"sunriseTime": 1557056731,
"sunsetTime": 1557105141,
"moonPhase": 0.03,
"precipIntensity": 0,
"precipIntensityMax": 0.0002,
"precipIntensityMaxTime": 1557046800,
"precipProbability": 0,
"temperatureHigh": 84.25,
"temperatureHighTime": 1557093600,
"temperatureLow": 65.1,
"temperatureLowTime": 1557140400,
"apparentTemperatureHigh": 85.89,
"apparentTemperatureHighTime": 1557097200,
"apparentTemperatureLow": 65.84,
"apparentTemperatureLowTime": 1557140400,
"dewPoint": 63.49,
"humidity": 0.77,
"pressure": 1011.49,
"windSpeed": 2.53,
"windGust": 13.3,
"windGustTime": 1557100800,
"windBearing": 132,
"cloudCover": 0.22,
"uvIndex": 7,
"uvIndexTime": 1557082800,
"visibility": 9.67,
"ozone": 309.52,
"temperatureMin": 58.2,
"temperatureMinTime": 1557057600,
"temperatureMax": 84.25,
"temperatureMaxTime": 1557093600,
"apparentTemperatureMin": 58.29,
"apparentTemperatureMinTime": 1557057600,
"apparentTemperatureMax": 85.89,
"apparentTemperatureMaxTime": 1557097200
In the event of a bad request, the application responds with a 401 status, and a message that the request failed to include a location and/or API key.
status: 401
"error": "Missing location and/or API key."
The application supports the creation of favorite locations for authenticated users via a POST
request to the /api/v1/favorites
endpoint. This request must include an API key and a location in the body.
POST /api/v1/favorites
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"api_key": "1a46d0f47e622496255c3ed9b08fef67",
"location": "Austin, TX"
A successful response will return with a status code of 201 and a JSON body indicating the name of the city resolved and added to the users favorites.
status: 201
"message": "Austin, TX, USA has been added to your favorites."
In the event that the request is unsuccessful, the application will return a 401 status code and a message indicating the request failed (either due to failure to provide an API key or location).
status: 401
"message": "Unable to add location to favorites."
The application supports returning a list of favorite cities registered for a user by submitting a GET
request to the endpoint /api/v1/favorites
. This request must include an API key in the body.
GET /api/v1/favorites
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"api_key": "1a46d0f47e622496255c3ed9b08fef67"
If successful, the application will return a 200 status along with the list of all the users favorited locations, and the current weather at each location.
status: 200
"location": "Austin, TX, USA",
"current_weather": {
"summary": "Clear",
"icon": "clear-night",
"precipIntensity": 0,
"precipProbability": 0,
"temperature": 70.31,
"humidity": 0.85,
"pressure": 1012.38,
"windSpeed": 3.38,
"windGust": 8.76,
"windBearing": 185,
"cloudCover": 0.15,
"visibility": 9.41
In the event an invalid API key is provided or an API key is not provided, the application will return a 401 status and a message indicating the key was invalid.
status: 401
"error": "Invalid API Key"
The application also supports removal of favorite locations via a DELETE
request to the endpoint /api/v1/favorites
. The request must include the location to be deleted and an API key.
DELETE /api/v1/favorites
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"api_key": "1a46d0f47e622496255c3ed9b08fef67",
"location": "Austin, TX, USA"
The application will respond with a status of 204 when deleting the favorite.
status: 204
In the event a location or API key is not provided, the application returns a 401 status.
status: 401
"error": "Invalid API Key"
The application requires testing backfill
At this time, the error messaging could be more verbose to better indicate the reason for a bad request on favorite endpoints
The application should make efforts to remove the country abbreviation from some requests
The application will re-geocode a location if the formatting of a forecast does not match the exact formatting of a resolved address
At this time, the application does not have testing implemented.
To contribute to this project, please fork and issue a pull request to the master branch with a note indicating changes made.
This application was built using the following technologies:
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Sequelize
- PostgreSQL
- Heroku