⛽️ GasPump SDK
When a token is deployed, it immediately becomes tradable using a bonding curve. When it collects the hardcap (currently 1000 TON), liquidity is automatically deposited to DeDust.
There are 2 phases of the token lifecycle:
Bonding Curve
- During this phase, the token is tradable using the bonding curve formula.
- Users can buy and sell tokens.
- Users trade wrapped tokens ($gasXXX).
DEX (DeDust)
- Before trading on DeDust, users need to unwrap their $gasXXX and get $XXX tokens.
- Unwrapping is performed 1:1.
- Unwrapping is required so that nobody can create (and break) a liquidity pool before the hardcap is reached.
- SDK for GasPump smart contract interactions
- (soon) SDK for GasPump API
npm install @gaspump/sdk
import { WalletContractV4, TonClient } from '@ton/ton';
import { Address, toNano, fromNano } from '@ton/core';
import { mnemonicToPrivateKey } from "@ton/crypto";
import { GaspumpJetton, JettonWallet, calcBuyTonAmount, waitUntilContractIsDeployed, waitUntilWalletSeqnoChanges } from '@gaspump/sdk';
const tonClient = new TonClient({
endpoint: 'https://toncenter.com/api/v2/jsonRPC',
apiKey: 'API_KEY', // from @tonapibot
async function main() {
// example: ts-node buy_and_sell.ts <jetton_address> <wallet_mnemonics>
// parse args
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
const jettonAddress = Address.parse(args[0]);
const walletMnemonics = args[1];
// setup wallet
const walletMnemonicList = walletMnemonics.split(" ");
let keyPair = await mnemonicToPrivateKey(walletMnemonicList);
let wallet = tonClient.open(WalletContractV4.create({ workchain: 0, publicKey: keyPair.publicKey }));
let sender = wallet.sender(keyPair.secretKey)
// setup contracts
let gaspumpJetton = tonClient.open(GaspumpJetton.createFromAddress(jettonAddress));
const jettonWalletAddress = await gaspumpJetton.getJettonWalletAddress(wallet.address);
let jettonWallet = tonClient.open(JettonWallet.createFromAddress(jettonWalletAddress));
// buy some jettons
const tonAmount = toNano("1.0");
const buyTonAmount = calcBuyTonAmount(tonAmount);
const estimatedJettonAmount = await gaspumpJetton.getEstimateBuyJettonAmount(buyTonAmount);
console.log(`Buying for 1.0 TON...`);
let seqno = await wallet.getSeqno()
await gaspumpJetton.sendBuy(sender, {
tonAmount: buyTonAmount,
doCheckTradeState: true,
await waitUntilWalletSeqnoChanges(wallet, seqno)
// check the balance
await waitUntilContractIsDeployed(jettonWallet.address, tonClient);
let balance = await jettonWallet.getBalance();
console.log(`✅ Successfully bought ${fromNano(balance)} jettons (estimated: ${fromNano(estimatedJettonAmount)})`);
// sell all the jettons
console.log(`Selling all ${fromNano(balance)} jettons...`);
seqno = await wallet.getSeqno()
await gaspumpJetton.sendSell(sender, {
jettonAmount: balance,
jettonWallet: jettonWallet,
doCheckTradeState: true,
await waitUntilWalletSeqnoChanges(wallet, seqno)
console.log(`✅ Successfully sold ${fromNano(balance)} jettons`);
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.