Is a library/executable that create a file from a template for every variation. This library/executable allows generating an enumerations of inputs. Enumeration interface allows extension to different types of values/lists.
The minimum required options is a path to an input file:
./enumerator --input=path/to/input.yaml
In this example a string is provided in the template file directly. Arguments in the template are replaced with specified enumerations if they are in the template as {{varName}}. The built in argument {{id}} is automatically supplied and is replaced with the specific case id.
name: exampleFileGen.
- !enumerator::enumerations::List
name: mu
values: [ .1, .2, .3 ]
- !enumerator::enumerations::List
name: density
values: [ 1.1, 1.2 ]
- !enumerator::enumerations::Range
name: vel
start: .25
end: .5
points: 3
template: |
echo "Hello World {{mu}} and {{density}} with vel {{vel}} from case {{id}}"
extension: .sh
outputDirectory: outputs
- !enumerator::reporters::StreamReporter
In this example uses a template file for the basis.
name: exampleFileGen.
- !enumerator::enumerations::List
name: mu
values: [ .1, .2, .3 ]
- !enumerator::enumerations::List
name: density
values: [ 1.1, 1.2 ]
- !enumerator::reporters::StreamReporter
echo "Hello World {{mu}} and {{density}} from case {{id}}"
The enumerator project can be built using CMake. Examples and additional details are provided by CMake.
The enumerator project can also be installed with cmake. Details are available from CMake and summarized here.
# create a build directory and configure cmake. The build directory is assumed to be inside of the local repository directory. If not the relative paths must be updated.
# start in the enumerator repository root
mkdir cmake-build-install
cd cmake-build-install
# configure for install
# build
make -j
# install the executable and libraries to your local file system
cmake --install . --prefix /path/to/install/directory
# or to install in system defaults (may require root)
cmake --install .
The tests can be run locally using an IDE or cmake directly (ctest command). To run the tests using the testing environment (docker), first make sure that Docker installed.
# Build the docker testing image
docker build -t testing_image -f DockerTestFile .
# Run the built tests and view results
docker run --rm testing_image