Spin-Echo MRI Contrast Simulator
This is a small GUI which will simulate acquisition-weighted spin-echo magnetic resonance images from Mo, T1 and T2 maps.
A short and self-explanatory user manual is attached.
Screenshots are included in the "Docs + Figures" directory.
Clone this repo to a folder in your MATLAB workspace, browse to the folder containing SEMRICS.m, then modify the MATLAB path:
From the MATLAB IDE, run the function:
This has four entries:
Open Data Set
This reads in (anonymized) Mo, T1 and T2 maps from a pickled MAT file, calculates the weighted image at the current slice (in accordance with the parameters on the main screen) and displays the current slice.
Save Results
Options are single slices or stacks of the parameter maps, also of the weighted image, as well as a weighted-image DICOM stack. Parameters are always saved by default. These are written to an XLSX file in a sub-folder of the Results directory corresponding to the currently selected data set.
Import Parameters
Read in the settings from an XLSX file and apply them to the current data set.
Save Parameters
As in "Save Results".
These are grouped together on the GUI.
- Each image displayed has windowing sliders and a choice of colormap.
- The current slice is selected with a slider.
- The image weighting is selected from a group of radio-buttons.
- The TR/TE sequence parameters are set from sliders; noise can also be added to the synthetic image.
- Various Export options may be selected.
- Captions may be written over the images, or disabled.
Note that all sliders are "live" and continuously responsive.
Write to the author to request a Zip file. This is too large for the current repo.