- Rescue Lab works with Federal Agents to rescue children from sexual abuse and internet-based victimization,
- As a part of the investigation recognizing a car from its license plate has proved to be really helpful,
- Currently Federal Agents manually look through videos and images to find a license plate. This requires a lot of human resources which can be used elsewhere during a time-sensitive investigation,
- Automating this process of identifying license plates can help speed up an investigation while allowing the Federal Agents to engage with other tasks.
- Extract image frames from the video,
- Find all contours in the image frame,
- Find the bounding rectangle of every contour,
- Compare and validate the sides ratio and area of every bounding rectangle with an average license plate,
- Apply image segmentation in the image inside the validated contour to find characters in it,
- Recognize characters using a Neural Network OCR.
- Clone the repository using ''' git clone https://github.com/UMass-Rescue/License-Plate-Detection '''
- Download your own or the test video available at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jd8WVKHYXfisMO390easOdPkZahonRNd
- Run the main.py file using ''' python3 main.py '''
- Go to the local server that the Flask website is hosted on. On Macs it will most likely be:
- Click on 'Choose File' and upload the test video by clicking 'Get Plates'. Note: the video can now be found in the static/files directory
- After about 5 minutes the website will return License Plate Numbers with a timestamp corresponding to the time they were identified
- Link to my Google Colab for License Plate Detection for images: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1hPK7hzUhKYIfh1jMF8VB39ngpNN-38l_?usp=sharing
- License Identification Model from Images,
- License Identification Model from Videos,
- Flask Web Application for both FrontEnd and BackEnd.
- ReactJS Web Application for FrontEnd,
- Integrating License Identification Model from Images with the FrontEnd,
- Containerize the Models using Docker.
- Improve the accuracy of the License Detection/Indentification Models,
- Take a Number Plate as an Input and try identifying it in Images/Videos.
opencv-python 3.4.2
numpy 1.17.2
skimage 0.16.2
tensorflow 1.15.0
imutils 0.5.3