- titiler
- depl
- 3 replicaset
- 2 GB
- 1 CPU
- serv
- ingress
- titiler.undpgeohub.org
- depl
- titiler
- pod
- 1 replicaset
- 2 GB RAM
- 1 CPU
- serv
- ingress
- titiler-dev.undpgeohub.org
- pod
- pgtileserv
- depl
- 2 replicaset
- 2 GB -1 CPU
- serv
- ingress
- pgtileserv.undpgeohub.org
- secrets
- pgtileserv-secrets:
variable should be configured in the secret.
- pgtileserv-secrets:
- depl
- deployed using ymal from github cert-manager repo
- v 1.9.0
- clusterissuer - available in all namespaces
- letsencrypt
- cloudflare for DNS
- comes wuith the cluster (installed)
- nginx MS flavour
- undpgeohub.org
- our domain
- we use this to allocated subdomains
- because IT is slow
All services are acccessed through ingress
Geoserver - move to out cluster