🐛 Bug Fix
- Finalise the initial setup of the USupport Components Library #2 (@vasilen-7DIGIT)
- Refactor: README file #1 (@vasilen-7DIGIT)
⚠️ Pushed to main
- Fix: use npm ci command to ensure no changes to the package's lockfile will be made (@vasilen-7DIGIT)
- Fix: auto & rollup packages not added to dependencies, instead added to global packages (@vasilen-7DIGIT)
- Fix: auto package not installed (@vasilen-7DIGIT)
- Fix: rollup package not installed (@vasilen-7DIGIT)
- Fix: problem with node modules caching (@vasilen-7DIGIT)
- Fix: wrong package manager used within the push.yml file (@vasilen-7DIGIT)
Authors: 1
- Vasilen Tsvetkov (@vasilen-7DIGIT)