Bebbo is a multi-platform mobile application available on both iOS and Android. Discover the most comprehensive parenting app that provides you with all the tools and expert advice you need, all in one app, to support your child's growth and development from birth to age 6! Personalize this app to access daily toddler games, parenting advice, and tips on taking care of both your child and your own well-being. Navigate easily between multiple child profiles and receive advice tailored to each child's developmental needs.
Bebbo offers:
- Expert advice and parenting articles covering early learning, health, nutrition, caregiving, and safety, tailored to both your questions and your child’s age.
- Personalized 'learning through play' activities and games that support various critical areas of development, including cognition, language, motor skills, and social-emotional skills.
- Brief instructional videos and evidence-based support for each stage of your child’s development.
- The ability to search Bebbo’s collection of hundreds of activities and articles by topic, age, or area of development.
- The ability to save and share your favorite content.
Bebbo provides you with an interactive set of tools such as:
- Development milestones tracker
- Baby growth tracker
- Vaccination child immunization tracker
- Child health check-up tracker
The app can also operate in an offline mode in environments with limited internet connectivity. It is offered in several languages and is free to use. There are no internal advertisements, and you can share it with a partner.
- React Native
- Project is set with Latest version of react native:
- React native - 0.72.5
- Several React Native modules have been incorporated in order to speed up the development.
- Refer to package.json for more details.
- Project is set with Latest version of react native:
- TypeScript
- TypeScript was used as a programming language.
- The same source code compiles into iOS and Android applications.
- NPM (Node Package Manager) was used to install third party packages and to run various scripts necessary during development.
- Node version - 21.7.3
- NPM version - 10.8.2
- NPM (Node Package Manager) was used to install third party packages and to run various scripts necessary during development.
- Either Mac or Windows can be used for development.
- Follow these instructions in order to prepare machine for development, specifically “React Native CLI Quickstart”.
- Follow these instructions to set up environment for React Native development.
- Clone the repo via GitBash
git clone
- Install NPM packages (DO NOT USE yarn!)
npm install
- Only on Mac, go to "ios" folder, and run
pod install
Before running iOS App on Device, necessary certificate setup from Apple developer account is required. After each time pod install, copy [CP-User] [RNFB] Core Configuration && [CP-User] [RNFB] Crashlytics Configuration in each target’s build phases if missing from main target (ParentBuddyApp). You can use the below targets.
Project Target:
- ParentBuddyApp - Bebbo Production target
- ParentBuddyAppDev - Bebbo Development target
- ParentBuddyAppXk - Foleja Production target
- ParentBuddyAppXkDev - Foleja Development target
Steps to add script:
Click on target’s build phases add on + sign.
Add new run script phase.
Rename it to [CP-User] [RNFB] Core Configuration
Copy script from ParentBuddyApp target’s “[CP-User] [RNFB] Core Configuration” script to other selected target’s “[CP-User] [RNFB] Core Configuration” script in “ParentBuddyAppXk”,“ParentBuddyAppXkDev”,“ParentBuddyAppDev” targets.
Copy files path from input files from ParentBuddyApp target and paste to other targets “[CP-User] [RNFB] Core Configuration” script input files in “ParentBuddyAppXk”,“ParentBuddyAppXkDev”,“ParentBuddyAppDev” targets.
Click on target’s build phases add on + sign.
Add new run script
Rename it to “[CP-User] [RNFB] Crashlytics Configuration”.
Copy script from ParentBuddyApp target’s “[CP-User] [RNFB] Crashlytics Configuration” script to other selected target’s “[CP-User] [RNFB] Crashlytics Configuration” script in “ParentBuddyAppXk”,“ParentBuddyAppXkDev”,“ParentBuddyAppDev” targets.
Copy files path from input files from ParentBuddyApp target and paste to other targets “[CP-User] [RNFB] Crashlytics Configuration” script input files in “ParentBuddyAppXk”,“ParentBuddyAppXkDev”,“ParentBuddyAppDev” targets.
For iOS, copy fontello.ttf file from to node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/Fonts
Refer this library for custom fonts: -
For Android, add keystore files into \android\app folder to generate Android build. To add a keystore file to your Android project’s
folder and configure it for signing, Follow the following steps to add keystore file.:5.1. Obtain or create a keystore file
If you don’t already have a keystore file, you need to generate one. You can use the
command to create it:-
Open a terminal or command prompt.
Run the following command to generate a new keystore file:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias my-key-alias
Follow the prompts to enter details such as passwords, organizational information, etc.
5.2. Add a keystore file to the project
Navigate to Your Project Directory:
- Open your project in your file explorer or terminal.
- Go to the
directory of your project.
Copy the Keystore File:
- Move or copy your
file into theandroid/app
- Move or copy your
5.3. Configure Gradle for Signing
Open the
File:- In your project, navigate to
- In your project, navigate to
Add Signing Configuration:
Modify the
file to include signing configuration. Add the following code inside theandroid
block:android { ... signingConfigs { release { if (project.hasProperty('MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE')) { storeFile file(MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE) storePassword MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD keyAlias MYAPP_RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS keyPassword MYAPP_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD } } } buildTypes { release { signingConfig signingConfigs.release // Optional: Enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate code minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), '' } } }
- Add Signing Properties:
Create or update the
file located in theandroid/
directory of your project (if the file doesn’t exist, create it). -
Add the following properties to
with the actual passwords you used when creating the keystore.
Configure Firebase services
Add iOS and Android apps to Firebase project the standard way
Use Firebase wizards to create these:
- google-services.json
- GoogleService-Info.plist
Copy google-services.json files for Android for various flavours at different locations as mentioned here:
Copy GoogleService-Info.plist files for iOS for various flavours at different locations as mentioned here:
Configure google Signin and GDrive Import/Export
- Configure Google Signin and GDrive Import/Export
- Enable Google Drive API from Cloud Console.
- Choose Scope For Drive Access
- Copy details of REVERSED_CLIENT_ID as in the below example from GoogleService-Info.plist
and add in .env file as projectNumber and clientIdKey.
- Format in GoogleService-Info.plist will be like com.googleusercontent.apps.${projectNumber}-${clientIdKey}
Steps required while creating Flavour builds for both Bebbo and Foleja.
1. Follow below steps for Bebbo Prod and ProdStaging:
In apiConstants.ts change buildFor const value to buildForBebbo as follows:
export const buildFor = buildForBebbo;
In tsconfig.json keep dynamicImportsClass value to ./app/bebbo/* as follows:
"@dynamicImportsClass/*": ["./app/bebbo/*"]
In metro.config.js keep blacklistRe value to /xk/.*/ as follows:
blacklistRE: blacklist([/xk\/.*/])
In babel.config.js keep dynamicImportsClass value to ./app/bebbo as follows:
'@dynamicImportsClass': './app/bebbo'
Run below command to generate vector images based on flavour folders:
npx react-native-vector-image generate
Create .env file at project root and add below 6 variables in it. The variables below contain sample data for example purposes. Do not copy values between brackets:
apiUrlDevelop = '' (Server api endPoint) facebookAppDisplayName=Bebbo (For Facebook Analytics. Get these details from Facebook developer console.) facebookAppId=9856432678543908 (For Facebook Analytics. Get these details from Facebook developer console.) facebookClientToken=f67tr342356dsa233987kl56784v (For Facebook Analytics. Get these details from Facebook developer console.) projectNumber=453789238965 (For Google SignIn. Get it from step 5.) clientIdKey= bhjr6wdgddvv3k87tteq9fds6po3nm7 (For Google SignIn. Get it from step 5.) encryptionsKey=d64e6a977f5643er90h8y5jk123n8bd88630jh56d34ddec874566342209y34 (Key for encryption) encryptionsIVKey=nm4532wsd67cv087452xci876bui9765 (Key for encryption)
2. Follow below steps for Foleja Prod and ProdStaging:
In apiConstants.ts change buildFor const value to buildForFoleja as follows:
export const buildFor = buildForFoleja;
In tsconfig.json keep dynamicImportsClass value to ./app/xk/* as follows:
"@dynamicImportsClass/*": ["./app/xk/*"]
In metro.config.js keep blacklistRe value to /bebbo/.*/ as follows:
blacklistRE: blacklist([/bebbo\/.*/])
In babel.config.js keep dynamicImportsClass value to ./app/xk as follows:
'@dynamicImportsClass': './app/xk'
Run below command to generate vector images based on flavour folders:
npx react-native-vector-image generate
Create .env file at project root and add below 6 variables in it. The variables below contain sample data for example purposes. Do not copy values between brackets:
apiUrlDevelop = '' (Server api endPoint) facebookAppDisplayName=AppDisplayName (For Facebook Analytics. Get these details from Facebook developer console.) facebookAppId=9856432678543908 (For Facebook Analytics. Get these details from Facebook developer console.) facebookClientToken=f67tr342356dsa233987kl56784v (For Facebook Analytics. Get these details from Facebook developer console.) projectNumber=453789238965 (For Google SignIn. Get it from step 5.) clientIdKey= bhjr6wdgddvv3k87tteq9fds6po3nm7 (For Google SignIn. Get it from step 5.) encryptionsKey=d64e6a977f5643er90h8y5jk123n8bd88630jh56d34ddec874566342209y34 (Key for encryption) encryptionsIVKey=nm4532wsd67cv087452xci876bui9765 (Key for encryption)
- Visit Facebook for Developers.
- Log in with your Facebook account or create a new account.
- Navigate to "My Apps" and click "Create App."
- Select the appropriate app type, such as "Consumer."
- Enter the app name as "Bebbo" and follow the instructions to complete the setup.
- Once the app is created, the App ID will be visible on your app dashboard. This is your
- Go to "Settings" > "Basic" in your app dashboard.
- Scroll down to find the "Client Token" section. Click "Show" to view and copy your
- Visit the Google Cloud Console.
- Sign in with your Google account.
- In the Google Cloud Console, click "Select a Project" > "New Project."
- Name your project (e.g., "Bebbo Production") and click "Create."
- Navigate to "APIs & Services" > "Library."
- Search for "Google Sign-In API" and enable it for your project.
- Go to "APIs & Services" > "Credentials."
- Click "Create Credentials" and choose "OAuth 2.0 Client ID."
- Configure the consent screen and then generate your
You can use various tools or libraries to generate a 256-bit encryption key. Here’s how to do it using OpenSSL:
openssl rand -hex 32
- The output will be a 64-character hexadecimal string. This is your
Similarly, generate a 128-bit IV:
openssl rand -hex 16
- The output will be a 32-character hexadecimal string. This is your
After you install the application you can create build files for various flavors with below npx commands.
npx react-native run-android --variant=prodRelease --appId org.unicef.ecar.bebbo (apk)
cd android && ./gradlew bundleProdRelease (aab)
npx react-native run-ios --scheme ParentBuddyApp (ipa)
npx react-native run-android --variant=prodstagingRelease --appId com.datamatics.bebbo (apk)
cd android && ./gradlew bundleProdstagingRelease (aab)
npx react-native run-ios --scheme ParentBuddyAppDev (ipa)
npx react-native run-android --variant=xkRelease --appId org.unicef.kosovo.foleja (apk)
cd android && ./gradlew bundleXkRelease (aab)
npx react-native run-ios --scheme ParentBuddyAppXk (ipa)
npx react-native run-android --variant=xkstagingRelease --appId com.datamatics.foleja (apk)
cd android && ./gradlew bundleXkstagingRelease (aab)
npx react-native run-ios --scheme ParentBuddyAppXkDev (ipa)
Distributed under the GPL-3.0 license. See LICENSE
for more information.