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Gazzetta UNICT

Live Demo
Live Demo DEV

This project consists of a script that republishes continuously, in a specific telegram channel, all the verbals and documents about different higher organs that are the following:

  • 🟡 Senato Accademico
  • 🔴 Consiglio di Amministrazione
  • 🟣 Nucleo di Valutazione



You can run this project locally using Docker by building the image and then running a container

Building the image

$ git clone
$ cd Gazzetta-UNICT
$ docker build --tag gazzetta-unict .

Add credentials

Create a duplicate file of settings.yaml.dist named settings.yaml:

$ cp data/settings.yaml.dist data/settings.yaml

Edit the values inside the configuration file for each site as you see fit, specifically:

token: ""       <string containing the bot's unique identifier>
chat_id: 123456 <chat_id of the channel in which the bot will post its messagges>
chat_id_dev:    <list of chat_ids with devs to receive technical exception regarding the bot>
  - 123456
  - 123456
  - ... 

(If you don't have a token, message Telegram's @BotFather to create a bot and get a token for it)

Running the Container

Once you have correctly added all the necessary information you will be able to run the container by launching this command while inside the root folder:

$ docker run -it \
    --name bot \
    --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/data",destination=/app/data \


If you want to test the bot by creating your personal instance, follow this steps:

Clone this repo with:

$ git clone

Install wkhtmltopdf using the right package for your distribution on their download page

Install project dependecies with:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Now is time to setup the bot's credentials, go to the Add credentials section for more information, then come back here!

Run python3 every X minutes to check


  • Luca Greco