TopoLines: Topological Smoothing for Line Charts
Paul Rosen, Ashley Suh, Christopher Salgado, & Mustafa Hajij
EuroVis 2020 Short Papers
We have tested this setup on Mac and Linux distributions.
On Debian linux, such as Ubuntu
> sudo apt install python3 python3-virtualenv git
On Mac, you can download from, macports, or homebrew. You will need python3, python3-virtualenv, pip, git, ... maybe others
This process will setup a virtual environment and install all prerequisites.
> ./
In during this process you should see information, but hopefully no errors. If there are errors, please contact us for assistance.
Assuming everything has run correctly thus far, we need to run the code.
> ./
Go to docs directory
> cd docs
Start webserver
> python3 -m http.server 5050
If everything goes as planned, you can open a webbrowser and open url http://localhost:5050
This material is based upon work supported or partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1513616 & 1845204.