Ontology for the Global Change Information System
The unit tests for gcis-ontology can be run with the script run-tests.sh.
To add more tests, do the following:
1. Add any data (.ttl files) into t/data/
2. Add a SPARQL query into t/sparql/
3. Add the expected output into t/results/
run-tests.sh will load data in t/data/gcis.ttl, then iterate through the test in t/sparql by first loading the data from t/data for each test, running the query and then compare the output to the output in t/results.
If the output of the SPARQL query differs from what is in the corresponding results file, the test will fail. The format of the output of run-tests.sh follows the Test Anything Protocol (http://testanything.org). A non-zero exit code from run-tests.sh means that there was at least one test failure.
Files in t/sparql should end in the .sparql suffix.
Files in t/results may end in either .txt or .csv.
Testing directory structure:
scripts/get-gcis-sources : Get sources for external ontologies
t/data/ext : Turtle for the above
t/data/gcis : Sample instance data from the live GCIS
t/sparql : SPARQL queries to run in the test suite
t/results: Expected results corresponding to the SPARQL queries