NOTE: This now depends upon a microservice in this repository. It will no longer run independently.
Column-Topology is an application that is aimed at editing GeoJSON polygons while keeping topology. This application is being developed under the UW-Macrostrat lab group.
This application will hopefully be a column management system for footprint geometries for strategraphic columns.
The Macrostrat group keeps track of sedimentary columns around the world and a U.I interface for editing and creating new columns, in the form of GeoJSON polygons, is needed. An easy to use interface that allows users to create and edit their topologies would help expand the macrostrat database and increase community unification.
Most of the work has been done on the client side (javascript). The frontend is made using React js with vanilla javascript as well. For the map I am using Mapbox-gl and for GeoJSON rendering I am using Mapbox-gl-draw. Conceptually, I am thinking about it as lines instead of polygons. In a topology, polygons share sides, which is why in topojson they remove redundant coordinates. Here I think about it similiarly. All the sides of a polygon turn in lines. Then all you need to do is drag the vertices around.
Create a column version management system. Similar to git... Have a "compare" view to view two topology versions sideby side or on top. Metadata descriptions about project being edited.. Total area of polygons.
Have a info panel at top: what project, total area of polygons.
Some component that shows the change_set with maybe the ability to undo them.
Ability to switch between different projects and maybe even different drafts of projects.