This API provides predictions for soil organic carbon (SOC) content and stock based on various environmental factors.
- POST /v1/prediction
- Predicts SOC content and stock based on input parameters.
Input Parameters
- depth_cm (float): Depth of the soil layer in centimeters.
- total_precipitation (float): Total annual precipitation in millimeters.
- min_temperature (float): Minimum annual temperature in degrees Celsius.
- mean_temperature (float): Mean annual temperature in degrees Celsius.
- max_temperature (float): Maximum annual temperature in degrees Celsius.
- dem (float): Digital Elevation Model value in meters.
- slope (float): Slope angle in degrees.
- aspect (float): Slope aspect in degrees (azimuth).
- hillshade (float): Hillshade index (0-255).
- bd_mean (float): Mean bulk density of the soil in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³).
- clay_mean (float): Mean clay content of the soil in percentage (%).
- om_mean (float): Mean organic matter content of the soil in percentage (%).
- ph_mean (float): Mean pH value of the soil.
- sand_mean (float): Mean sand content of the soil in percentage (%).
- silt_mean (float): Mean silt content of the soil in percentage (%).
- land_use (int): Land use code (refer to the land use classification system used).
- land_cover (int): Land cover code (refer to the land cover classification system used).
"1": "Agriculture",
"2": "Developed",
"3": "Forest",
"4": "Non-Forest Wetland",
"5": "Other",
"6": "Rangeland or Pasture",
"7": "Non-Processing Area Mask"
"1": "Trees",
"2": "Tall Shrubs & Trees Mix (SEAK Only)",
"3": "Shrubs & Trees Mix",
"4": "Grass/Forb/Herb & Trees Mix",
"5": "Barren & Trees Mix",
"6": "Tall Shrubs (SEAK Only)",
"7": "Shrubs",
"8": "Grass/Forb/Herb & Shrubs Mix",
"9": "Barren & Shrubs Mix",
"10": "Grass/Forb/Herb",
"11": "Barren & Grass/Forb/Herb Mix",
"12": "Barren or Impervious",
"13": "Snow or Ice",
"14": "Water",
"15": "Non-Processing Area Mask"
- soil_organic_carbon (float): Predicted SOC content
- soil_organic_carbon_stock (float): Predicted SOC stock
- Install required dependencies.
- Start the API server.
- Send a POST request to the /v1/prediction endpoint with input parameters in JSON format.
Example Request Check Code-Notebooks/example_api_call-2.ipynb to get an example of the API request.