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Git Standards

Steven Simko edited this page Nov 4, 2021 · 1 revision

Git Standards

Creating a Fork

To create a fork of student-net, just make sure you're signed into Github and click the fork button in the top right of this repository.


Creating different branches of your code can be especially useful when making changes. If you're creating a new branch to work on an issue, we'd prefer if your branch name is similar to the issue that you're working on so that when we eventually get a pull request, it's obvious what changes are going to be in it.

Creating a Pull Request (PR)

  1. Ensure that your fork is up to date with the branch of student-net you wish to merge to (I.E main).
  2. Go to the pull requests tab in your fork. Select the new pull request button.
  3. Select the branch of your fork you wish to merge, along with the branch in student-net you wish to merge to
  4. Create the pull request. Give your pull request a nice title. In the description, give a brief description of your changes. Make sure to include Closes #ISSUENUMBER so that once your pull request is merged, the associated issue will also be closed. Note that if you don't know the issue number, typing # will bring up all the available issues for you to search through.
  5. Add some reviewers. Typically you'll want to add Steven and Meharban to the reviewers, however you may want some additional opinions as well.

Merging a Pull Request

Once at least 50% of the reviewers of a pull request approve the PR, the PR can then be merged by one of the repository admins.