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Carioca : Configuration Agent and Registry with Inversion Of Control for your Applications


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Carioca : Container And Registry with Inversion Of Control for your Applications

Carioca 2: is a complete rewrite who provide a full IoC/DI light Container and a services registry, build with logs, config and Internationalization facilities for designing your applications


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Carioca logo Container And Registry with Inversion Of Control for your Applications


Install it yourself as:

$ gem install carioca


Carioca synoptic


Basic usage


Carioca synoptic

  • Carioca come with a Container Class Template
    • the Container automatically inject :logger, :i18n and a :configuration service (explain in detail after)
    • the Container provide a class method macro :inject
      • this macro give a way to use other services defined in the registry file (service could be register inline, presented after)

Beginning usecase new gem

Create you own gem :

$ bundle gem yourgem
$ cd yourgem
$ vi yourgem.gemspec

check all the TODO in your gemspec, specify concretly you Gem specification, add the following line :

     spec.add_dependency "carioca", "~> 2.0"

and after :

$ bundle add carioca
$ mkdir -p config/locales

Edit the Rakefile, and add the following line :

require "carioca/rake/manage"

Verify, all is right with :

$ rake -T
rake build                         # Build sample-0.1.0.gem into the pkg directory
rake carioca:gem:init_path         # prepare Gem vitals path for Carioca
rake carioca:registry:add_service  # Adding service to Carioca Registry file
rake carioca:services:config:init  # Initialise Service configuration file ./config/settings.yml file
rake clean                         # Remove any temporary products
rake clobber                       # Remove any generated files
rake install                       # Build and install sample-0.1.0.gem into system gems
rake install:local                 # Build and install sample-0.1.0.gem into system gems without network access
rake release[remote]               # Create tag v0.1.0 and build and push sample-0.1.0.gem to Set to ''
rake spec                          # Run RSpec code examples

You could now initialize the Carioca registry following the wizard, with (sample with a simple UUID generator gem):

$ rake carioca:gem:init_path 
Carioca : Initialising vitals gem path : done
$ rake carioca:registry:add_service
Carioca : registering service :
Registry File path ? ./config/carioca.registry
Service name ? uuid
Choose the service type ? gem
Description ? The uuid service
Service [uuid] inline Proc Ruby code ? UUID
Give the Rubygem name ?  uuid
Did this service have dependencies ?  no

 => Service : uuid
 * type: gem
 * description: The uuid service
 * service: UUID
 * resource: uuid
Is it correct ?  Yes
Carioca : Registry saving : done

This will initiate a Carioca Registry (YAML file, the format will be describe after, the wizard support all type of services, managed by Carioca, all keys are Symbols):

$ cat config/carioca.registry
  :type: :gem
  :description: The uuid service
  :service: UUID
  :resource: uuid

Now your are ready to use Carioca :

In this sample, we are going th create a demo command. Firstly, we have to configure a basic usage of Carioca, this could be made in the lib path, in the root gem library.

$ emacs lib/yourgem.rb 

content of the destination file

# frozen_string_literal: true

require_relative "yourgem/version"
require 'carioca'

Carioca::Registry.configure do |spec|
  spec.debug = true

module Yourgem
  class Error < StandardError; end

  class YourgemCMD < Carioca::Container
    def test { "Log me as an instance method" }
      logger.warn(self.class.to_s) {"Give me an UUID : "  + uuid.generate}

    inject service: :uuid { "Log me as class method" }


$ emacs exe/yourgem_cmd

content of the file

require 'yourgem'

yourgem_cmd = Yourgem::YourgemCMD::new

Note : After this, don't forget to stage new files, and you could build & install the gem before running your new command for the first time :

$ git add config/ exe/
$ rake install && yourgem_cmd
yourgem 0.1.0 built to pkg/yourgem-0.1.0.gem.
yourgem (0.1.0) installed.
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.337961 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Preloaded service :i18n on locale : en
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338020 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Preloaded service :logger ready on STDOUT
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338037 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Initializing Carioca registry
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338049 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Preparing builtins services
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338079 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Adding service configuration
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338107 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Adding service i18n
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338133 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Adding service output
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338156 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Adding service debugger
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338191 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Initializing registry from file : ./config/carioca.registry
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338312 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Adding service uuid
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338333 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Registry initialized successfully
I, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338340 #21513]  INFO -- Sample::YourGemCMD: Log me as class method
I, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338351 #21513]  INFO -- #<Sample::YourGemCMD:0x0000000148270698>: Log me as an instance method
D, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.338381 #21513] DEBUG -- Carioca: Starting service uuid
W, [2022-03-07T01:06:20.353142 #21513]  WARN -- Sample::YourGemCMD: Give me an UUID : 574cc860-7fd8-013a-2323-1e00870a7189

Builtins services

Description Registry

Carioca synoptic

Description of services

Carioca synoptic

Generic Usage

Usage with the Carioca::Container template class

Considering an existing service named : my_service with a unique method named a_method

# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'carioca'

class MyObject < Carioca::Container

    inject service: my_service

    def initialize





The macro inject is already mixed in Carioca::Container

Note : Service cloud be used on class method wrapping and instance mecthode.

Usage without Carioca::Container heritage

Considering an existing service named : my_service with a unique method named a_method

require 'carioca'

class MyObject 

    extend Carioca::Injector
    inject service: my_service

    def initialize




Service I18n

the I18n is loaded by default with Carioca::Container, and loaded as dependency when using others builtin services. It's a fondation service for Carioca.

For this exemple, we show you an explicit inject of I18n

Note : I18n povide internationalisation for Carioca itself AND for self made services and more

Note : You could create all your locales files for any languages speciif to your application :

  • in $PWD/config/locales/*.yml
  • in $GEMPATH/config/locales/*.yml

Note : If you create locales in other languages than :en or :fr (atcually the 2 supported by Carioca), for internals output (Carioca itself logs, outputs or debugs), carioca fallback on default locales defined in configuration (default :en).

Considering a locale file en.yml in config/locales/ like :

    string: "Display %{myvar}"

with the current code :

require 'carioca'

class MyObject 

    extend Carioca::Injector
    inject service: I18n

    def initialize
      puts i18n.t('sample.string', myvar: 'test')



output :

Display test

Service Logger

Note : Logger depends on service I18n

Logging simply

require 'carioca'

class MyObject 

    extend Carioca::Injector
    inject service: logger

    def initialize { "my log" }



Changing log strategy

require 'rubygems'
require 'carioca'

Carioca::Registry.configure do |spec|
  spec.debug = false
  spec.log_file = '/tmp/test_carioca.log' # a different log path (default STDOUT)
  spec.log_level = :debug # log level base  (default :info)
  spec.log_target = '::Logger::new(STDOUT)' # to change completly the log object 

for more information on ruby Stdlib Logger, see :

Note : you could totally subsitute Logger with your own logger, by the configuration, or the logger of an other service. BUT it's necessary to be compatible with standard Logger facilities :

logger.debug('Maximal debugging info')'Non-error information')
logger.warn('Non-error warning')
logger.error('Non-fatal error')
logger.fatal('Fatal error')
logger.unknown('Most severe')

Note : the output service, detailled after could work in dual mode STDXXX + logger service.

Service Configuration


Configuration made with Registry.configure :

Carioca::Registry.configure do |spec|
  spec.config_file = './config/settings.yml'
  spec.config_root = :myappli
  spec.environment = :development
  • config_file : path to the configuraion file (YAML format)
  • config_root : Root of the YAML structure
  • environment : current evt used for override default values

Configuration file format

Note :This file is corresponding with the presented configuration

  :production: {}
    :onstaging: staging
  :test: {}
    :ondev: test
        :branch1: leaf1
        :branch3: leaf3
        :branch4: leaf4
        :branch5: [ "val1","val2","val3" ] 
    :default_value: 'value'
        :branch2: leaf2
        :branch5: ["value"]

Access to Configuration

config = Carioca::Registry.get.get_service name: :configuration
pp config.settings

Note : You could access it as usuallly, with inject, from Carioca::Container fork or mixin of Carioca::Injector in your own class.

output :

  {:trunk1=>{:branch2=>"leaf2", :branch1=>"leaf1"},
    {:branch5=>["value", "val1", "val2", "val3"],

Note : you could see the result configuration is a merge of :development path ovec :default

R/W on runtime

Note : you could override value in runtime

config = Carioca::Registry.get.get_service name: :configuration
config.settings.newkey = 'value'


Carioca synoptic

Service Output


Configuration made with Registry.configure :

Carioca::Registry.configure do |spec|
  spec.debug = false
  spec.log_file = '/tmp/test.rge'
  spec.log_level = :debug
  spec.output_mode = :dual
  spec.output_emoji = true
  spec.output_colors = true
  spec.output_target = STDOUT

  • output_mode : choose if you want to display to output_target OR/AND Logs, mode are : :mono, dual, log
  • output_emoji : display levels or alias as UTF8 EMOJI
  • output_colors : display output in colors
  • output_target : change output STDOUT or SDTERR

Note : all of this have R/W accessors on output service


This example show a test script for displaying all type of output

output = Carioca::Registry.get.get_service name: :output

cycle = %i[unknown fatal error ko warn info item arrow scheduling trigger sending calling receive
               ok success debug flat]
    cycle.each do |verb|
      output.send verb, verb.to_s
    output.color = false
    cycle.each do |verb|
      output.send verb, verb.to_s
    output.emoji = false
    cycle.each do |verb|
      output.send verb, verb.to_s
    output.color = true
    cycle.each do |verb|
      output.send verb, verb.to_s

Note : list of ordered levels or alias : unknown fatal error ko warn info item arrow scheduling trigger sending calling receive ok success debug flat

Output :

  • Without colors nor Emojies

Carioca output

  • Without colors but with Emojies

Carioca output

  • With colors but no Emojies

Carioca output

  • With colors and Emojies

Carioca output

Service Debug

For this example, we use a internal service defined programmaticalu on runtime, (we see it more in detail in the chapter dedicated to the registry) At the beginning of you code, just add :

class MyService
  extend Carioca::Injector
  inject service: :logger

  def initialize
    logger.warn(self.class.to_s) { 'Init service' }

  def hello { 'Hello World' }

  def method_test(_titi, tutu:)
    @tutu = tutu
    yield if block_given?
    "result #{@tutu}"

spec = {
  service: 'MyService::new',
  type: :internal

Carioca::Registry.init.add service: :myservice, definition: spec

With a configuration like :

Carioca::Registry.configure do |spec|
  spec.debug = true
  spec.log_level = :debug
  spec.output_emoji = true
  spec.output_colors = false
  spec.debugger_tracer = :output

To help debug with services, Carioca come with a proxy class debugger :

config = Carioca::Registry.get.get_service name: :debugger
proxy = debugger.get service: :myservice
    proxy.method_test 'param', tutu: 'keyword' do
      puts 'titi'

output :

🐛 BEGIN CALL for service #<MyService:0x00005635ed283290>
🐛 Method called: method_test
🐛 args : param
🐛 keywords : {:tutu=>"keyword"}
🐛 block given
🐛 => method returned: result keyword

Service Finisher

List of available return code and associated symbols :

        # global
        not_root: { code: 40, key: 'finisher.messages.not_root' },
        options_incompatibility: { code: 410, key: 'finisher.messages.options_incompatibility' },
        missing_service_dependency: { code: 430, key: 'finisher.messages.missing_service_dependency' },
        config_required: { code: 420, key: 'finisher.messages.config_required' },
        setup_error: { code: 520, key: 'finisher.messages.setup_error' },
        setup_success: { code: 0, key: 'finisher.messages.setup_success' },
        sanitycheck_error: { code: 510, key: 'finisher.messages.sanitycheck_error' },
        sanitycheck_success: { code: 0, key: 'finisher.messages.sanitycheck_success' },
        configuration_error: { code: 501, key: 'finisher.messages.configuration_error' },
        success_exit: { code: 0, key: 'finisher.messages.success_exit' },
        quiet_exit: { code: 0 },
        error_exit: { code: 50, key: 'finisher.messages.error_exit' },

        # events
        interrupt: { code: 330, key: 'finisher.messages.interrupt' },

        # request & API
        not_found: { code: 404, key: 'finisher.messages.not_found' },
        already_exist: { code: 408, key: 'finisher.messages.already_exist' },
        # daemon & API
        status_ok: { code: 200, key: 'finisher.messages.status_ok' },
        created: { code: 201, key: 'finisher.messages.created' },
        accepted: { code: 202, key: 'finisher.messages.accepted' },
        bad_request: { code: 400, key: 'finisher.messages.bad_request' },
        status_ko: { code: 500, key: 'finisher.messages.status_ko' },
        no_content: { code: 204, key: 'finisher.messages.no_content' },
        not_implemented: { code: 210, key: 'finisher.messages.not_implemented' },

This returns must be override from Config File (using Builtin Configuration Service) inbluding a key exit_cases: like :

        :code: 8000
        key: 'my.own.i18n.key'

Service Setup

Service SanityCheck

Service Toolbox

The toolbox service is a misceleanous all purpose toolbox of methods, used by carioca's services and available for you.

Listing of all methods and description

toolbox = Carioca::Registry.get.get_service name: :toolbox
pp toolbox.describe

Output (actual for this version, lust increase with the time):

{:is_root?=>"Verify if active current processus is running as root",
 :check_unicode_term=>"Check if terminal support unicode",
 :user_root=>"Get the local system root username ",
 :search_file_in_gem=>"Retrieve absolute path of a file in a specific gem",
 :group_root=>"Get the local system root groupname ",
 :get_processes=>"Get the list of running processus"}

methods usage

pp toolbox.user_root
pp toolbox.search_file_in_gem('carioca','config/locales/en.yml')

Service SecureStore

Exemple of usage of the Secure Store

This simplist example show how to store current time in Secure Data Store

Note : if the Data store not exist nor the master.key, when injecting the service, the two item are created on initialisation

securestore = Carioca::Registry.get.get_service name: :securestore
res = ( "first time" :
puts res[:time] =!

Output, on the first iteration :

first time

Output, on the second iteration :

{:time=>2023-06-02 14:27:39.8903567 +0200}

Note : by default Secure store : and Master key : master.key (chmod 400, owned by the running user), are created in "~/.carioca" of the running user.

Configuration in Carioca

You could change path for master.key and with :

Carioca::Registry.configure do |spec|
  spec.user_config_path = "~/.carioca" # default user path (folder)
  spec.master_key_file =  "#{spec.user_config_path}/master.key" # default OpenSSL secret key for service SecureStore
  sepc.secure_store_file = "#{spec.user_config_path}/secure.Store" # default OpenSSL YAM secure store file for service SecureStore

Carioca Configuration

Carioca use a bloc given mapping object of to configure like :

Carioca::Registry.configure do |spec|
  spec.xxxxx = <SOMETHING>

list of accessors over the spec object :

attr_accessor :filename, :name, :builtins, :log_target, :default_locale, :locales_load_path, :debugger_tracer,
                  :config_file, :config_root, :environment, :supported_environments, :output_mode, :log_level, :output_target, :user_config_path,
                  :master_key_file, :secure_store_file
attr_writer :init_from_file, :output_colors, :output_emoji
attr_reader :log_file, :locales_availables, :debug

Publique usage (with default values and possibles values)

Carioca::Registry.configure do |spec|

  spec.filename = './config/carioca.registry' # the carioca registry of services configuration = 'Carioca' # the name of the application
  spec.debug = false # activate debug, display debug Carioca message
  spec.init_from_file = true # use the registry file to init services : (spec.filename)
  spec.log_file = '' # path to a log file for carioca logger service
  spec.config_file = './config/settings.yml' # path to the YAMl COnfiguration file for :configuration Carioca service 
  spec.config_root = :carioca # the config root in the YAMl COnfiguration file for :configuration Carioca service
  spec.environment = :development # the current environment running with Carioca
  spec.default_locale = :en # the default locales Carioca fot I18n Carioca Service
  spec.log_level = :info # the current log level (see logger ) for Carioca in :debug,:info,:warn,:error,:fatal,:unknown
  spec.output_mode = :mono # the current output mode in :mono, :dual, :log (see Carioca Service Output)
  spec.output_emoji = true # the current output status for emoji (see Carioca Service Output)
  spec.output_target = STDOUT # the current output target STDOUT or STDERR (see Carioca Service Output)
  spec.output_colors = true # the current output status for colors (see Carioca Service Output)
  spec.locales_load_path << Dir["#{File.expand_path('./config/locales')}/*.yml"]
  spec.debugger_tracer = :output # the Debbugger service output in #log , :output
  spec.user_config_path = "~/.carioca" # default user path (folder)
  spec.master_key_file =  "#{spec.user_config_path}/master.key" # default OpenSSL secret key for service SecureStore
  sepc.secure_store_file = "#{spec.user_config_path}/secure.Store" # default OpenSSL YAM secure store file for service SecureStore


Registry access and methods

Init or getting Registry

Carioca::Registry is a Singleton Object

You cloud init or get it by #get, #instance or #init, like :

registry = Carioca::Registry.init
registry = Carioca::Registry.instance
registry = Carioca::Registry.get 

Direct access to Registry and getting service Without Injector or Carioca::Container

Example : for output service

output = Carioca::Registry.get.get_service name: :output 

Adding a service programatically

To add a service, you could insert it in the registry file (before run) or adding it programatically

class MyService
  extend Carioca::Injector
  inject service: :logger

  def initialize
    logger.warn(self.class.to_s) { 'Init service' }

  def hello { 'Hello World' }

  def method_test(_titi, tutu:)
    @tutu = tutu
    yield if block_given?
    "result #{@tutu}"

spec = {
  service: 'MyService::new',
  type: :internal

Carioca::Registry.init.add service: :myservice, definition: spec

Decription of type of Service

SERVICES_MANDATORY_SPECS = { type: Symbol, service: String }.freeze
SERVICES_FULL_LIST_SPECS = SERVICES_MANDATORY_SPECS.merge({ depends: Array, description: String,
                                                                resource: String })
  • :type must be : :gem, :file, :stdlib all engage requirement of the resource field, tje last :internal is usable if the code is internal in your application.

  • :service : is the Ruby code to access to Class for class methods service usage or object instance example : MYCLASS or MyClass::new(params)

  • :resource is respectively a name of a gem, an absolut path of a ruby file, the name of a Ruby Stdlib correspondingly to :type

  • depends : is a list of requiered services for this service. (all services in depends are load before getting the wanted service (from builtin and in registry file or added at runtime ).

  • Description is not mandatory


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Carioca : Configuration Agent and Registry with Inversion Of Control for your Applications







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