SwiftNIO-IRC is a Internet Relay Chat protocol implemention for SwiftNIO and a simple IRC client.
This module contains a simple IRC client library. Also provided:
- BrickBot - A simple IRC bot using swift-nio-irc-client
This is also the primary IRC client driver for a new and still work-in-progress iOS IRC client. Stay tuned for more updates which will become available in the near future.
NIOIRC is a SwiftNIO port of the Noze.io miniirc example from 2016.
Currently, I'm not sure the breadth of the features of this IRC client implementation. As far as I am aware there are not very many IRCv3 features supported, but that's something I'm currently working on making happen.
An example Package.swift
importing the necessary modules:
// swift-tools-version:5.0
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "IRCTests",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/Under-the-Bed-Software/swift-nio-irc-client.git",
from: "0.8.2")
targets: [
.target(name: "MyIRCClient",
dependencies: [ "IRC" ])
This software is a fork of NozeIO's version implementation under the same name. This software was licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, and continues to be.
The original author of swift-nio-irc-client was made by ZeeZide. Please check them out!