This is a collection of configuration files that I use to achieve a blue-gold theme (named Exom).
- Boot Manager: rEFInd
- OS: Arch Linux x86_64
- WM: i3-gaps
- Wallpaper: here
- Wallpaper Managing: feh
- Terminal Emulator: rxvt-unicode
- Shell: zsh
- Font:
- Terminal: Terminus
- Everywhere Else: TerminessTTF Nerd Font
- Status Bar: Polybar
- Application Launcher: rofi
- Music:
- Audio Visualizer: C.A.V.A.
- Activity Monitor: vtop
quits i3 without askingSuper
+ 0/1/2/3/.../9 changes the wallpaper to~/.wallpapers/
(10 possible wallpapers, requires feh)Super
resizes the focused window without enteringresize
plays the previous trackSuper
pauses/resumes the current trackSuper
plays the next trackSuper
opens Facebook Messenger and ThunderbirdSuper
runs i3lockPrint
saves a screenshot as~/screenshots/$(date +%s).png