Install the packages with
npm ci
Use two terminals for backend and frontend.
For the backend you have to start a mongodb instance once. You can use docker:
docker-compose up -d
If the database is empty you need to instruct the server to create the first user (if the user already exists the password for that user is set):
export ADMIN_USER=admin
export ADMIN_PASSWORD=secret
Then start the server:
npm run server
Finally, in another terminal, start the frontend:
npm start
The server should be available at http://localhost:3000.
To test the notification service you should also start the background worker. In yet another terminal:
npm run worker
Configuration is being read from .env
and by environment variables. See server/config.js
to see a list of available configuration variables.
For security reasons if you don't set the variable SESSION_SECRET
the session secret is randomly generated.
You can use the command
module to clear session or show migrations. Check the usage with:
npm run command
npm run build
STATIC_FILES_PATH=build node server/server.js
Build docker image:
VERSION=$( node -e "console.log(require('./package.json').version)" )
docker build . --file Dockerfile --tag
docker tag${VERSION}
To run the image:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-production.yml up
To push the image:
docker push${VERSION}
docker push
Assume you have the server running:
export SERVER_URL="http://localhost:8000"
export API=${SERVER_URL}/api/v0
Then you can check the API is responding with:
curl ${API}
(you can pipe the command throught json_pp
to pretty print the resulting json)
Create a Token from the web interface. Then try:
export TOKEN_SECRET="my-secret-token"
Assume the API server is available
and that a token $TOKEN_SECRET
has been inserted in the database.
If you start a developmnet server as described above these condition
are met.
The api request path has the following form:
GET /api/v0/<model>?_sort=[-]<sort_key>&_limit=<n_items>&filter_key=filter_val&...
to obtain a list of objects of the specifiedmodel
filtered with givenfilter_key
s sorted bysort_key
(descending if a-
is prepended). On some supported fields you can append__lt
to implement an inequality comparison filter. On date fields the constanttoday
can be used as the value of a filter. Otherwise ISO timestamps are expected. The result json object is something like:
data: [<objects>...]
GET /api/v0/<model>/<object_id>
to get a single itemPUT /api/v0/<model>
to create e new itemPATCH /api/v0/<model>/<object_id>
to update an existing itemDELETE /api/v0/<model>/<object_id>
to delete an existing item