This repository is a community store for Umbrel.
This app store has two additional features over standard umbrel apps:
Find the configuration data for the apps under umbrel/data/storage/unique-store//data. Re-install the app and this data will persist.
Tweak the docker-compose settings on the fly! Find a compose-mod/yml file for each app at umbrel/data/storage/unique-store/app/compose-mod.yml Modify this file and re-install to change environments variables/volumes etc. to suit your needs. Delete the file and re-install the app at any time to revert to default.
- MQTT Explorer See the data traveling through your MQTT server
- RM FakeCloud Replace the Remarkable clloud with a self hsoted one
- Portainer Community Edition Advanced Container COntrol
- Open Books Download Ebooks from the IIRC Highway
- DIY Hue Emulator Emulate a Philips Hue Smart Light System
- Yacht A container management UI with a focus on templates and 1-click deployments.
- Code-Server Modified to now expose the umbrel directory. Use this as a web editor to modify improtant configuration files, for example, home-assistant.yml
To add this repository through the Umbrel user interface follow the following demo:
for the store address.
Apps can then be installed by browsing to the community app store and clicking open next to this one.
Alternatively, you can use the Umbrel CLI as described below.
To add this app store:
sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/repo add
sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/repo update
To install an app from the app store
sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/app install unique-portainerce
To remove this app store:
sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/repo remove