This a replacement for the My Courses block in Moodle 1.9.
- User Preference to display either list of courses user is enrolled on or a search box
- Observes Admin settings to display admin's courses or all courses
- Can fetch a list of classes for a user from another Moodle server for accessing archived classes (this is Strathclyde specific feature and requires an web service to be available on the archive server).
- Download
- Copy to /blocks/strathcourse_list
- Goto moodle notifications page (/admin/)
- Course List (Strathclyde) can be added as block to any page
The following SQL statements should cause all My Courses blocks to change...use at your own risk
Get the ID of the Strathcourse_list block
SELECT id FROM `classes_michael`.`mdl_block` where name ='strathcourse_list';
Get the ID of the regular Course list block
SELECT id FROM `classes_michael`.`mdl_block` where name ='course_list';
Update all instances of
course_list blocks
to bestrathcourse_list block
UPDATE mdl_block_instance bi SET bi.blockid = <id from 1.> WHERE bi.blockid = <id from 2.>;
You should repeat this with the mdl_block_pinned
table if you want to update sticky blocks.