A COLREGs-Compliant USV Local Planner ROS plugin. A* with Artificial Terrain Cost for Search Space Restriction. ROS plugin currently being used together with USV_sim USV simulator as local planner.
@brief: Implementation of a modification of the method presented by Agrawal et al., for COLREGS-compliance through the creation of virtual obstacles.
Agrawal, P.; Dolan, J. M. “COLREGS-compliant target following for an UnmannedSurface Vehicle in dynamic environments”,IEEE International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems, vol. 2015-Decem, 2015, pp. 1065–1070.
$ cd catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/Unmanned-Surface-Vehicle/atc_astar.git
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make_isolated --install --pkg atc_astar
$ source install_isolated/setup.bash
The atc_astar plugin can be executed after the execution of the USV_sim:
$ roslaunch usv_sim movebase_navigation1.launch parse:=true
$ roslaunch usv_sim movebase_navigation1.launch parse:=false
- A* heuristic
1.1. Proportion between obstacles cost and distance
1.2. Reduce turns. Smoother path