Collection of EmberJS tutorials, insights and more...
##Screencast Tutorials
EmberCasts - More screencasts to assist in getting started with EmberJs
Building an App with EmberJs - Learn how to build a blog reading application from start to finish from @tomdale
EmberCamp - General Q & A - Q & A From EmberCamp 2012
Ember101 - Collection of EmberJS screencasts from @ryanflorence
EmberWatch - All things Ember
##Testing Ember...wait, can you?
Testing Ember Apps - Testing Ember Apps: Full-stack integration testing with Capybara(Selenium & friends); client-side integration testing with Konacha (Mocha & friends) from @jo_liss
Unit testing your EmberJS templates with jasmine - Excellent walkthrough tutorial from @toranb
EmberJS Testing Made Easy & Fast - From the Seattle meetup in April from @ebryn
[Ember Tools] ( - This one is hot! Generators and build tools for Ember applications from @ryanflorence
- [JavaScript Jabber Podcast w/ Ryan Florence] ( - Ryan discusses Ember Tools
GruntJS - The Javascript Task Runner
Yeoman - Yeoman is a collection of tools and best practices working in harmony to make developing for the web better.
Ember Inspector for Chrome - Improve your Ember.js debugging workflow with easy inspection of controllers (just select an element rendered within a context for more information), get insights into models and their attributes, layers, bound computed properties and avoid the need to dig down into the Ember object graph to figure out what is going on.
Screencast - Ember Inspector - An initial implementation of the Ember Object inspector that will serve as a primitive in the Ember Debugger.
Ember Console Utilities - from @ebryn