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K/DE Cyberpunk-Neon

Cyberpunk Neon Themes and icons inspired from K/DA for KDE Plasma, GTK, Telegram, Discord, Tilix, Neovim, Chromium, TexStudio, Slack, GLava Visualizer, Albert Launcher, Kate, Konsole, and Zim.

Cyberpunk Neon Cyberpunk Neon theme in action

K/DE CyberPunk Neon K/DE Cyberpunk Neon theme in action

WARNING: The next themes are modified version of other themes and/or have not been tested enough, so they still contain color inconsistencies. Also, might want to create backups of whatever files are being replaced or edited.

The windows not in focus get darkened so colours for some windows might look a bit darker but that's only because they are not raised.


Color Scheme base on this palette. Special thanks to all those who created the themes, pictures and tools i used to make this. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.

How to apply

First, clone this repository with git

And cd into the directory

cd K-DE-Cyberpunk-Neon/

GTK Theme

Extract Cyberpunk-Neon-GTK.tar.gz into ~/.themes/

tar xzf Cyberpunk-Neon-GTK.tar.gz -C ~/.themes/

An apply the theme via settings (in KDE = Settings -> Appearance - Application Style)

KDE Color Scheme

Since this color scheme is based on Materia-Dark you will have to install and use materia-dark theme to fit with gtk theme.

Next you have to copy CyberpunkNeon.colors to ~/.local/share/color-schemes

cp CyberpunkNeon.colors ~/.local/share/color-schemes

Now change the color scheme in Settings -> Appearance -> Color. Don't forget to also change Workspace Theme to Breeze if you want the system to follow the Color Scheme.


Run script included in this repository WARNING: It will replace your existing Papirus icons, if any. Refer to Papirus Kolorizer repo for more info.

chmod +x

Apply the icons (Papirus-Dark) in system settings (KDE = Settings -> Appearance- Icons. Apply icons for GTK applications too in Settings -> Appearance - Application Style))

Tilix Theme

The terminal i'm using is called Tilix. You can import my color scheme copying Cyberpunk-Neon.json into ~/.config/tilix/schemes

cp Cyberpunk-Neon.json ~/.config/tilix/schemes

Select it in Settings -> Profile -> Color

ZSH Theme

My powerlevel9k config is a bit simpler than that of Roboron3042's. If you want, you can check his at his repository.


If you use Zim you can copy my style.conf into ~./config/zim

cp style.conf ~./config/zim/


Just drop the cyberpunk-neon.tdesktop-theme into the chat and open it.


Apply CyberpunkNeon.theme.css to BetterDiscord

cp CyberpunkNeon.theme.css ~/.config/BetterDiscord/themes/

Apply in Discord Settings


Copy the contents of Slack/ssb-interop.js to Slack's ssb-interop.js at /usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static/. Need to do it after every update. DO NOT OVERWRITE THE ORIGINAL ssb-interop.js with this one. JUST APPEND ITS CONTENTS TO THE ORIGINAL ONE.


Copy the configs in Konsole/ to Konsole's directory.

cp Konsole/* ~/.local/share/konsole/


Just import cyberpunk.kateschema from Kate's import option in Configure Kate -> Appearance.



You can use my entire init.vim in neovim/ or you can just use the following in your init.vim or .vimrc. I haven't tested it in non-GUI mode so might break. (Assuming you use vim-plug as your plugin manager)

Plug 'bling/vim-airline'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'

Plug 'flazz/vim-colorschemes'

set background=dark

colorscheme molokai
hi Normal ctermbg=0 ctermfg=white guifg=white guibg=#000B1E
hi LineNr ctermbg=8 ctermfg=0 guifg=#000B1E guibg=#123A75
hi Visual ctermbg=8 guibg=#123A75
hi ErrorMsg ctermbg=0 guibg=#000B1E
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:airline_theme="cyberpunk"

Now if you just use this, it will throw an error that cyberpunk airline theme was not found yada-yada.


Copy neovim/cyberpunk.vim to ~/.vim/plugged/vim-airline-themes/autoload/airline/themes/.

cp neovim/cyberpunk.vim ~/.vim/plugged/vim-airline-themes/autoload/airline/themes/

Albert Launcher

Copy KDE CyberPunk Neon.qss to ~/.local/share/albert/org.albert.frontend.widgetboxmodel/themes/ and select the theme from Albert's settings.

cp KDE\ CyberPunk\ Neon.qss ~/.local/share/albert/org.albert.frontend.widgetboxmodel/themes/


Just load the cyberpunk.txsprofile in TexStudio from Options -> Load Profile


Resize the image in Chrome/ to your monitor size. convert Chrome/theme_ntp_background.png -resize WIDTHxHEIGHT Chrome/K-DE\ CyberPunk\ Neon/images/theme_ntp_background.jpeg

Go to 3 dots -> More Tools -> Extensions and select Load Unpacked. Navigate to the K-DE CyberPunk Neon/ directory and click OK.


Install the theme Chili for Plasma, and use the wallpaper in images/.

Screen Locking

Use the wallpaper in images/ with Centered positioning and Blurred background.

GLava Visualizer

Copy and replace the files in glava/ to ~/.config/glava/

cp glava/* ~/.config/glava/

Adjust the geometrical parameters according to your own display. Will need to play around with it a little. Change #request setgeometry 0 0 1366 768 in rc.glsl. Change center radius, number of bars, bar width, amplify, and center offset in radial.glsl

Hint: Try replacing the color in #DEFINE COLOR with #0ABDC9 for cyan bars instead of pink. See the difference here: [Pink] , [Cyan]

KDE Splash

Install the arc-kde theme and replace the contents in ~/.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel/com.github.varlesh.arc-dark/contents/ with the ones provided in Splash/.

Replaces Arc-KDE splash.


Install the Persona Bar theme for plymouth (might have to just download and move the directory to /usr/share/plymouth/themes if the install script doesn't work).

Replace the files in /usr/share/plymouth/themes/persona_bar/ with the ones in plymouth/ in the repo. (Replaces Persona Bar theme.)

GRUB theme

Create a copy and resize Splash/splash/images/akali_back_blurred.png to your screen size.

convert Splash/splash/images/akali_back_blurred.png -resize WIDTHxHEIGHT out.png

Install Vimix theme for GRUB and replace /boot/grub/themes/Vimix/background.png with the resized blurred image.

sudo mv out.png /boot/grub/themes/Vimix/background.png



Everything in this repository is licensed under the GPL, except papirus-kolorizer script licensed under MIT.


K/DE Cyberpunk Neon Themes for KDE Plasma.






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  • GLSL 33.0%
  • Vim Script 22.9%
  • CSS 17.1%
  • Shell 12.5%
  • QML 9.2%
  • JavaScript 5.3%