A tool for Dontpad's users in Python + requests + bs4
Warning: This app isn't a Dontpad official software.
Install requests
and bs4
pip3 install requests bs4
- First input asks for dontpad's address
- Then asks if you want to see atual content
- Third one means if you want to clear or not atual page
- And last one is finally your new text
-h, --help Show this help message and exit -f FILE, --file FILE File path -i INPUT, --input INPUT Input text from user -c, --clear Clear the page before put the new content -o, --output Print actual text in dontpad address -k KEY, --key KEY Key to encrypt/decrypt
Update text erasing atual text
dontpady.py -i -c 'Testing text' test_path'
Append new text at end of atual text
dontpady.py -i 'Testing text' test_path
Writing with crypto key
dontpady.py -i 'Testing text' -k 'testing key' test_path
Input text from file
dontpady.py -f /file/path/text.txt test_path
Just print atual text
dontpady.py -o test_path
Decrypt atual text
dontpady.py -k 'testing key' -o test_path