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Virtual Exhibitions

Virtual Reality Exhibitions with HTC Vive and Unity3d. This is the front-end repository. For the back-end see

Please see the wiki for further information or consider reading the Getting Started guide, if you want to setup your own virtual exhibition


The goal is to create a customisable virtual exhibition space.

Core Features

  • Virtual 3D world with positioned art objects
  • freely movable character / player
  • Generic: Support for multiple / interchangeable exhibitions
  • Interface / communication between back-end (exhibition provider) and front-end (3D world)


We use Unity 2017.4.2

Set up your Unity and IDE as you wish. IntelliJ Rider is recommended for everyone that uses IDEA / PyCharm on a regular basis.

GIT & Unity: In Unity set meta files to be visible and textual via:

  • Edit > Project Settings > Editor
  1. Set Version Control Mode to Visible Meta Files
  2. Set Asset Serialization Modeto Force Text

These steps are taken from

Project Structure

	+ Assets/                     - All custom unity stuff in here
		+ Fonts/                  - Fonts files, if custom fonts are used
		+ Materials/              - Unity Materials, if materials are used
		+ Modules/                - Per self-contained feature a module
		+ Prefabs/                - Unity Prefabs, if if prefabs are used
		+ Scenes/                 - Home of the scenes, e.g. 'Worlds'
		+ Scripts/                - Home of the scripts, e.g. the logic
		+ Sprites/                - Home of any sprites used
	+ Library/                    - Libraries for unity to work
	+ ProjectSettings/            - Self explanatory
	+ UnityPackageManager/)       - Unity stuff

Getting Started

To start working on the project

  1. Have a HTC Vive / SteamVR setup. For the installation process, see the manual
  2. Start Unity3d
  3. On the start screen click the Open button
  4. Select this repository
  5. Get yourself the backend
  6. Start the backend
  7. Feed the backend with an exhibition
  8. Adopt the exhibition id within unity. Click on the VirtualExhibitionManager game object in the hierarchy window and set the Exhitibion Id to your id.
  9. Start the incredible immersive experience of having an exhibition at your place


  • Ivan Giangreco
  • Ralph Gasser
  • Silvan Heller
  • Mahnaz Parian
  • Loris Sauter

This piece of software originates from the 4th Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon. Read more about our project on the Opendata Wiki.