RSL 2.28
RSL 2.28
- Feature: Added ADB-Backup Support. Now supports creation and restoration of .AB backups
- Feature: Added OS-Updates toggle to ADB-Command window (Click to toggle on/off)
- Feature: Allow ADB Commands with or without prefix
- Fix: Left-Navigation UI Reorganization
- Fix: 7zip crash, empty device list crash
- Fix: Update settings after version update
- Fix: Crashlog naming
- Fix: Disable searchbar until Rookie is fully loaded
- Chore: Add public mirror as a default to Git-downloads
- Chore: Readme Updates
- Chore: Code Cleanup / Beautification
- Chore: Change from _adb dependency files to dependencies.7z file
- Chore: Remove unused files
- Chore: Default to Single-Thread Mode