These are required to run all the commands mentioned here. Some commands might work without all of these if you're an adventurous person.
- java 21 - Install Java and point JAVA_HOME environment variable to your installation directory
- jq
- kubectl 1.25
- helm 3
- kind 0.17.0
- bash
./gradlew :api-doc:build
The api is readable after build at api-doc/build/swagger-ui/index.html
The latest API documentation generated from main branch is available for browsing at
A mock server using the API specification (from main
branch) is served at
Note that since / has no content, the server correctly responds 404.
The mock server can also be deployed locally by running:
./gradlew localMockApi
It's then available at http://mockapi.localhost
The API server is running at Ask around for credentials if you need to modify data.
Run tests with:
./gradlew test -x feature-tests:test
This skips the slow feature-tests.
To run latest api server locally:
./gradlew runInCluster
The server is accessible at http://api.localhost.
It's also available with https, using a self-signed certificate.
The certificate must be trusted or ignored to access the server.
The command can be run again to update the deployment to the latest version.
Default credentials for the api: vauhtijuoksu
The cluster can be deleted with:
./gradlew tearDownCluster
Copy deployment/kind-cluster/oauth-secret-template.yaml
withouth the -template
suffix and copy the values from
Discord developer site.
Feature tests are run against a local kind cluster by running at project root
./gradlew build
The tests generate a Jacoco report file, which can be found at build/reports/jacoco/featureTestReport/html/index.html.
Get current version by running
Versions are generated from the latest annotated git tag.
Feel free to create new tags with git tag
whenever necessary.
git tag -am 0.1 0.1 9de10436d1c097826845679cda1633c90f968fc1
git push origin 0.1