This is a very simple interface that mocks the AWS SDK for Node.js.
It is very incomplete as it will mainly be used to test the grunt plugin grunt-aws-s3
At the time of writing (although the tests pass), it may not be suitable for general use.
- listObjects
- deleteObjects
- deleteObject
- getObject
- putObject
It uses a directory to mock a bucket and its content.
If you'd like to see some more features or you have some suggestions, feel free to use the issues or submit a pull request.
- 2014-01-08 v0.2.0 Support streams for getObject/putObject
- 2013-10-24 v0.1.2 Fix isTruncated typo
- 2013-10-09 v0.1.1 Add LastModified to listObject
- 2013-08-09 v0.1.0 First release