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target: basic implement getPICMode function
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Organ1sm committed Sep 24, 2024
1 parent 18134fc commit 8c53cd1
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Showing 2 changed files with 217 additions and 10 deletions.
212 changes: 204 additions & 8 deletions src/aro/Driver.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ pub fn parseArgs(
return d.fatal("invalid value '{0s}' in '-fgnuc-version={0s}'", .{gnuc_version});
d.comp.langopts.gnuc_version = version.toUnsigned();
const pic_level, const is_pie = d.getPICMode();
const pic_level, const is_pie = d.getPICMode(args);
d.comp.code_gen_options.pic_level = pic_level;
d.comp.code_gen_options.is_pie = is_pie;
return false;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -893,23 +893,22 @@ fn exitWithCleanup(d: *Driver, code: u8) noreturn {

/// This currently just returns the desired settings without considering target defaults / requirements
pub fn getPICMode(d: *Driver) struct { backend.CodeGenOptions.PicLevel, bool } {
pub fn getPICMode(d: *Driver, args: []const []const u8) struct { backend.CodeGenOptions.PicLevel, bool } {
const eqlIgnoreCase = std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase;

const target =;
const linker = d.use_linker orelse @import("system_defaults").linker;
const is_bfd_linker = eqlIgnoreCase(linker, "bfd");
const wants_pie: ?bool = if (d.desired_pie_level) |level| level != .none else null;

const is_pie = switch (target_util.isPIEDefault(target)) {
const is_pie_default = switch (target_util.isPIEDefault(target)) {
.yes => true,
.no => false,
.depends_on_linker => if (is_bfd_linker)
target.cpu.arch == .x86_64 // CrossWindows
false, //MSVC
const is_pic = switch (target_util.isPICdefault(target)) {
const is_pic_default = switch (target_util.isPICdefault(target)) {
.yes => true,
.no => false,
.depends_on_linker => if (is_bfd_linker)
Expand All @@ -918,8 +917,205 @@ pub fn getPICMode(d: *Driver) struct { backend.CodeGenOptions.PicLevel, bool } {
(target.cpu.arch == .x86_64 or target.cpu.arch == .aarch64),

_ = is_pic;
_ = is_pie;
var pie: bool = is_pie_default;
var pic: bool = pie or is_pic_default;
// The Darwin/MachO default to use PIC does not apply when using -static.
if (target.ofmt == .macho and d.static) {
pic, pie = .{ false, false };
var is_piclevel_two = pic;

const kernel_or_next: bool = d.hasArg(args, .{ "-mkernel", "-fapple_kext" });

// Android-specific defaults for PIC/PIE
if (target.isAndroid()) {
switch (target.cpu.arch) {
=> pic = true, // "-fpic"

.x86, .x86_64 => {
pic = true; // "-fPIC"
is_piclevel_two = true;
else => {},

// OHOS-specific defaults for PIC/PIE
if (target.abi == .ohos and target.cpu.arch == .aarch64)
pic = true;

// OpenBSD-specific defaults for PIE
if (target.os.tag == .openbsd) {
switch (target.cpu.arch) {
.arm, .aarch64, .mips64, .mips64el, .x86, .x86_64 => is_piclevel_two = false, // "-fpie"
.powerpc, .sparc64 => is_piclevel_two = true, // "-fPIE"
else => {},

// The last argument relating to either PIC or PIE wins, and no
// other argument is used. If the last argument is any flavor of the
// '-fno-...' arguments, both PIC and PIE are disabled. Any PIE
// option implicitly enables PIC at the same level.
const lastpic_arg_idx = d.getLastArg(
.{ "-fpic", "-fno-pic", "-fPIC", "-fno-PIC", "-fpie", "-fno-pie", "-fPIE", "-fno-PIE" },
if (target.os.tag == .windows and
!target_util.isCygwinMinGW(target) and
lastpic_arg_idx != null and
lastpic_arg_idx == d.getLastArg(args, .{ "-fPIC", "-fpic", "-fpie", "-fPIE" }))
if (target.cpu.arch == .x86_64)
return .{ .two, false };
return .{ .none, false };

// Check whether the tool chain trumps the PIC-ness decision. If the PIC-ness
// is forced, then neither PIC nor PIE flags will have no effect.
const forced = switch (target_util.isPICDefaultForced(target)) {
.yes => true,
.no => false,
.depends_on_linker => if (is_bfd_linker) target.cpu.arch == .x86_64 else target.cpu.arch == .aarch64 or target.cpu.arch == .x86_64,
if (!forced) {
if (lastpic_arg_idx) |idx| {
const arg = args[idx];
if (isOneOf(arg, .{ "-fPIC", "-fpic", "-fpie", "-fPIE" })) {
pie = isOneOf(arg, .{ "-fpie", "-fPIE" });
pic = pie or isOneOf(arg, .{ "-fpic", "-fPIC" });
is_piclevel_two = isOneOf(arg, .{ "-fPIE", "-fPIC" });
} else {
pic, pie = .{ false, false };
if (target_util.isPS(target)) {
const model_arg = getLastArgValue(args, "-mcmodel=");
const model = model_arg orelse "";
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, model, "kernel")) {
pic = true;

if (pic and (target.isDarwin() or target_util.isPS(target))) {
const val = @intFromBool(is_piclevel_two) | @intFromBool(is_pic_default);
is_piclevel_two = @as(bool, val != 0);

// This kernel flags are a trump-card: they will disable PIC/PIE
// generation, independent of the argument order.
if (kernel_or_next and
(!(target.os.tag != .ios) or (target.os.isAtLeast(.ios, .{ .major = 6, .minor = 0, .patch = 0 }) orelse false)) and
!(target.os.tag != .watchos) and
!(target.os.tag != .driverkit))
pie, pic = .{ false, false };

const arg_idx = d.getLastArg(args, .{"-mdynamic-no-pic"});
if (arg_idx) |_| {
if (!target.isDarwin()) {
// diag error
pic = is_pic_default or forced;
return .{ if (pic) .two else .none, false };

var embedded_pi_supported: bool = undefined;
switch (target.cpu.arch) {
.arm, .armeb, .thumb, .thumbeb => embedded_pi_supported = true,
else => embedded_pi_supported = false,

return .{ d.desired_pic_level orelse .none, wants_pie orelse false };
var ropi = false;
const last_ropi_arg = d.getLastArg(args, .{ "-fropi", "-fno-ropi" });
if (last_ropi_arg) |idx| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[idx], "-fropi")) {
if (!embedded_pi_supported) {
//TODO: diag error
ropi = true;

var rwpi = false;
const last_rwpi_arg = d.getLastArg(args, .{ "-frwpi", "-fno-rwpi" });
if (last_rwpi_arg) |idx| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, args[idx], "-frwpi")) {
if (!embedded_pi_supported) {
//TODO: diag error
rwpi = true;

// ROPI and RWPI are not compatible with PIC or PIE.
if ((ropi or rwpi) and (pic or pie)) {
//TODO: diag error

if (target_util.isMIPS(target)) {
// When targeting the N64 ABI, PIC is the default, except in the case
// when the -mno-abicalls option is used. In that case we exit
// at next check regardless of PIC being set below.
// TODO: implement incomplete!!
if (target.cpu.arch == .mips64 or target.cpu.arch == .mips64el)
pic = true;

// When targettng MIPS with -mno-abicalls, it's always static.
if (d.hasArg(args, .{"-mno-abicalls"}))
return .{ .none, false };

// Unlike other architectures, MIPS, even with -fPIC/-mxgot/multigot,
// does not use PIC level 2 for historical reasons.
is_piclevel_two = false;

if (pic) return .{ if (is_piclevel_two) .two else .one, pie };
return .{ .none, false };

fn hasArg(d: *Driver, args: []const []const u8, options: anytype) bool {
return d.getLastArg(args, options) != null;

fn getLastArgValue(args: []const []const u8, option_name: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
var option_value: ?[]const u8 = null;
for (args) |arg| {
option_value = option(arg, option_name);
return option_value;

fn getLastArg(d: *Driver, args: []const []const u8, options: anytype) ?usize {
var indexs = std.ArrayList(usize).init(d.comp.gpa);
defer indexs.deinit();

for (args, 0..) |arg, i| {
inline for (options) |opt| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, opt, arg)) {
indexs.append(i) catch unreachable;

return indexs.getLastOrNull();

fn isOneOf(arg: []const u8, options: anytype) bool {
inline for (options) |opt| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, opt))
return true;
return false;
15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions src/aro/target.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -371,6 +371,17 @@ pub fn isCygwinMinGW(target: std.Target) bool {
return target.os.tag == .windows and (target.abi == .gnu or target.abi == .cygnus);

pub fn isPS(target: std.Target) bool {
return (target.os.tag == .ps4 or target.os.tag == .ps5) and target.cpu.arch == .x86_64;

pub fn isMIPS(target: std.Target) bool {
return switch (target.cpu.arch) {
.mips, .mipsel, .mips64, .mips64el => true,
else => false,

pub fn builtinEnabled(target: std.Target, enabled_for: TargetSet) bool {
var it = enabled_for.iterator();
while ( |val| {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -926,7 +937,7 @@ pub fn isPICDefaultForced(target: std.Target) DefaultPIStatus {
=> if (target.cpu.arch == .x86_64 or target.cpu.arch == .aarch64) .yes else .no,

else => {
switch (target.cpu.arch) {
return switch (target.cpu.arch) {
Expand All @@ -948,7 +959,7 @@ pub fn isPICDefaultForced(target: std.Target) DefaultPIStatus {
return if (target.cpu.arch == .aarch64 or target.cpu.arch == .x86_64) .yes else .no;
return .no;
Expand Down

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