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Value: support complex values
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ehaas committed Feb 27, 2024
1 parent 2ae3b4f commit f27531a
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Showing 5 changed files with 308 additions and 24 deletions.
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/aro/Parser.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8144,7 +8144,13 @@ fn parseFloat(p: *Parser, buf: []const u8, suffix: NumberSuffix) !Result {
.IQ, .IF128 => .complex_float128,
else => unreachable,
} };
res.val = .{}; // TODO add complex values
res.val = try Value.intern(p.comp, switch (res.ty.bitSizeof(p.comp).?) {
64 => .{ .complex = .{ .cf32 = .{ .zero, val.ref() } } },
128 => .{ .complex = .{ .cf64 = .{ .zero, val.ref() } } },
160 => .{ .complex = .{ .cf80 = .{ .zero, val.ref() } } },
256 => .{ .complex = .{ .cf128 = .{ .zero, val.ref() } } },
else => unreachable,
try res.un(p, .imaginary_literal);
return res;
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220 changes: 207 additions & 13 deletions src/aro/Value.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ pub const @"null" = Value{ .opt_ref = .null };

pub fn intern(comp: *Compilation, k: Interner.Key) !Value {
const r = try comp.interner.put(comp.gpa, k);
return .{ .opt_ref = @enumFromInt(@intFromEnum(r)) };
return Value.fromRef(r);

pub fn int(i: anytype, comp: *Compilation) !Value {
Expand All @@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ pub fn ref(v: Value) Interner.Ref {
return @enumFromInt(@intFromEnum(v.opt_ref));

fn fromRef(r: Interner.Ref) @This() {
return .{ .opt_ref = @enumFromInt(@intFromEnum(r)) };

pub fn is(v: Value, tag: std.meta.Tag(Interner.Key), comp: *const Compilation) bool {
if (v.opt_ref == .none) return false;
return comp.interner.get(v.ref()) == tag;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,17 +234,53 @@ pub fn intCast(v: *Value, dest_ty: Type, comp: *Compilation) !void {
/// `.none` value remains unchanged.
pub fn floatCast(v: *Value, dest_ty: Type, comp: *Compilation) !void {
if (v.opt_ref == .none) return;
// TODO complex values
const bits = dest_ty.makeReal().bitSizeof(comp).?;
const f: Interner.Key.Float = switch (bits) {
16 => .{ .f16 = v.toFloat(f16, comp) },
32 => .{ .f32 = v.toFloat(f32, comp) },
64 => .{ .f64 = v.toFloat(f64, comp) },
80 => .{ .f80 = v.toFloat(f80, comp) },
128 => .{ .f128 = v.toFloat(f128, comp) },
const bits = dest_ty.bitSizeof(comp).?;
if (dest_ty.isComplex()) {
v.* = try switch (bits) {
64 => makeComplex(f32, v.real(f32, comp), v.imag(f32, comp), comp),
128 => makeComplex(f64, v.real(f64, comp), v.imag(f64, comp), comp),
160 => makeComplex(f80, v.real(f80, comp), v.imag(f80, comp), comp),
256 => makeComplex(f128, v.real(f128, comp), v.imag(f128, comp), comp),
else => unreachable,
} else {
const f: Interner.Key.Float = switch (bits) {
16 => .{ .f16 = v.toFloat(f16, comp) },
32 => .{ .f32 = v.toFloat(f32, comp) },
64 => .{ .f64 = v.toFloat(f64, comp) },
80 => .{ .f80 = v.toFloat(f80, comp) },
128 => .{ .f128 = v.toFloat(f128, comp) },
else => unreachable,
v.* = try intern(comp, .{ .float = f });

pub fn real(v: Value, comptime T: type, comp: *const Compilation) T {
return switch (comp.interner.get(v.ref())) {
.int => |repr| switch (repr) {
inline .u64, .i64 => |data| @floatFromInt(data),
.big_int => |data| @floatCast(bigIntToFloat(data.limbs, data.positive)),
.float => |repr| switch (repr) {
inline else => |data| @floatCast(data),
.complex => |repr| switch (repr) {
.cf32, .cf64, .cf80, .cf128 => |components| Value.fromRef(components[0]).toFloat(T, comp),
else => unreachable,

pub fn imag(v: Value, comptime T: type, comp: *const Compilation) T {
return switch (comp.interner.get(v.ref())) {
.int => 0.0,
.float => 0.0,
.complex => |repr| switch (repr) {
.cf32, .cf64, .cf80, .cf128 => |components| Value.fromRef(components[1]).toFloat(T, comp),
else => unreachable,
v.* = try intern(comp, .{ .float = f });

pub fn toFloat(v: Value, comptime T: type, comp: *const Compilation) T {
Expand All @@ -252,6 +292,9 @@ pub fn toFloat(v: Value, comptime T: type, comp: *const Compilation) T {
.float => |repr| switch (repr) {
inline else => |data| @floatCast(data),
.complex => |repr| switch (repr) {
.cf32, .cf64, .cf80, .cf128 => |components| Value.fromRef(components[0]).toFloat(T, comp),
else => unreachable,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,6 +341,11 @@ pub fn isZero(v: Value, comp: *const Compilation) bool {
inline .i64, .u64 => |data| return data == 0,
.big_int => |data| return data.eqlZero(),
.complex => |repr| switch (repr) {
.cf32, .cf64, .cf80, .cf128 => |components| {
return Value.fromRef(components[0]).isZero(comp) and Value.fromRef(components[1]).isZero(comp);
.bytes => return false,
else => unreachable,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,9 +374,82 @@ pub fn toInt(v: Value, comptime T: type, comp: *const Compilation) ?T {
return catch null;

const ComplexOp = enum {

fn makeComplex(comptime T: type, re: T, im: T, comp: *Compilation) !Value {
const rep = try comp.interner.put(comp.gpa, switch (T) {
f32 => .{ .float = .{ .f32 = re } },
f64 => .{ .float = .{ .f64 = re } },
f80 => .{ .float = .{ .f80 = re } },
f128 => .{ .float = .{ .f128 = re } },
else => unreachable,
const imp = try comp.interner.put(comp.gpa, switch (T) {
f32 => .{ .float = .{ .f32 = im } },
f64 => .{ .float = .{ .f64 = im } },
f80 => .{ .float = .{ .f80 = im } },
f128 => .{ .float = .{ .f128 = im } },
else => unreachable,
const c = switch (T) {
f32 => .{ .cf32 = .{ rep, imp } },
f64 => .{ .cf64 = .{ rep, imp } },
f80 => .{ .cf80 = .{ rep, imp } },
f128 => .{ .cf128 = .{ rep, imp } },
else => unreachable,
return intern(comp, .{ .complex = c });

fn complexAddSub(lhs: Value, rhs: Value, comptime T: type, op: ComplexOp, comp: *Compilation) !Value {
const res_re = switch (op) {
.add => lhs.real(T, comp) + rhs.real(T, comp),
.sub => lhs.real(T, comp) - rhs.real(T, comp),
const res_im = switch (op) {
.add => lhs.imag(T, comp) + rhs.imag(T, comp),
.sub => lhs.imag(T, comp) - rhs.imag(T, comp),

const re = try Value.intern(comp, switch (T) {
f32 => .{ .float = .{ .f32 = res_re } },
f64 => .{ .float = .{ .f64 = res_re } },
f80 => .{ .float = .{ .f80 = res_re } },
f128 => .{ .float = .{ .f128 = res_re } },
else => unreachable,
const im = try Value.intern(comp, switch (T) {
f32 => .{ .float = .{ .f32 = res_im } },
f64 => .{ .float = .{ .f64 = res_im } },
f80 => .{ .float = .{ .f80 = res_im } },
f128 => .{ .float = .{ .f128 = res_im } },
else => unreachable,
const c = switch (T) {
f32 => .{ .cf32 = .{ re.ref(), im.ref() } },
f64 => .{ .cf64 = .{ re.ref(), im.ref() } },
f80 => .{ .cf80 = .{ re.ref(), im.ref() } },
f128 => .{ .cf128 = .{ re.ref(), im.ref() } },
else => unreachable,
return intern(comp, .{ .complex = c });

pub fn add(res: *Value, lhs: Value, rhs: Value, ty: Type, comp: *Compilation) !bool {
const bits: usize = @intCast(ty.bitSizeof(comp).?);
if (ty.isFloat()) {
if (ty.isComplex()) {
res.* = switch (bits) {
64 => try complexAddSub(lhs, rhs, f32, .add, comp),
128 => try complexAddSub(lhs, rhs, f64, .add, comp),
160 => try complexAddSub(lhs, rhs, f80, .add, comp),
256 => try complexAddSub(lhs, rhs, f128, .add, comp),
else => unreachable,
return false;
} else if (ty.isFloat()) {
const f: Interner.Key.Float = switch (bits) {
16 => .{ .f16 = lhs.toFloat(f16, comp) + rhs.toFloat(f16, comp) },
32 => .{ .f32 = lhs.toFloat(f32, comp) + rhs.toFloat(f32, comp) },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,7 +481,16 @@ pub fn add(res: *Value, lhs: Value, rhs: Value, ty: Type, comp: *Compilation) !b

pub fn sub(res: *Value, lhs: Value, rhs: Value, ty: Type, comp: *Compilation) !bool {
const bits: usize = @intCast(ty.bitSizeof(comp).?);
if (ty.isFloat()) {
if (ty.isComplex()) {
res.* = switch (bits) {
64 => try complexAddSub(lhs, rhs, f32, .sub, comp),
128 => try complexAddSub(lhs, rhs, f64, .sub, comp),
160 => try complexAddSub(lhs, rhs, f80, .sub, comp),
256 => try complexAddSub(lhs, rhs, f128, .sub, comp),
else => unreachable,
return false;
} else if (ty.isFloat()) {
const f: Interner.Key.Float = switch (bits) {
16 => .{ .f16 = lhs.toFloat(f16, comp) - rhs.toFloat(f16, comp) },
32 => .{ .f32 = lhs.toFloat(f32, comp) - rhs.toFloat(f32, comp) },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -390,9 +520,65 @@ pub fn sub(res: *Value, lhs: Value, rhs: Value, ty: Type, comp: *Compilation) !b

/// c99 Annex G complex multiplication algorithm
pub fn complexMul(lhs: Value, rhs: Value, comptime T: type, comp: *Compilation) !Value {
var a = lhs.real(T, comp);
var b = lhs.imag(T, comp);
var c = rhs.real(T, comp);
var d = rhs.imag(T, comp);
const ac = a * c;
const bd = b * d;
const ad = a * d;
const bc = b * c;
var x = ac - bd;
var y = ad + bc;
if (std.math.isNan(x) and std.math.isNan(y)) {
var recalc = false;
if (std.math.isInf(a) or std.math.isInf(b)) {
// lhs infinite
// Box the infinity and change NaNs in the other factor to 0
a = std.math.copysign(if (std.math.isInf(a)) @as(T, 1.0) else @as(T, 0.0), a);
b = std.math.copysign(if (std.math.isInf(b)) @as(T, 1.0) else @as(T, 0.0), b);
if (std.math.isNan(c)) c = std.math.copysign(@as(T, 0.0), c);
if (std.math.isNan(d)) d = std.math.copysign(@as(T, 0.0), d);
recalc = true;
if (std.math.isInf(c) or std.math.isInf(d)) {
// rhs infinite
// Box the infinity and change NaNs in the other factor to 0
c = std.math.copysign(if (std.math.isInf(c)) @as(T, 1.0) else @as(T, 0.0), c);
d = std.math.copysign(if (std.math.isInf(d)) @as(T, 1.0) else @as(T, 0.0), d);
if (std.math.isNan(a)) a = std.math.copysign(@as(T, 0.0), a);
if (std.math.isNan(b)) b = std.math.copysign(@as(T, 0.0), b);
recalc = true;
if (!recalc and (std.math.isInf(ac) or std.math.isInf(bd) or std.math.isInf(ad) or std.math.isInf(bc))) {
// Recover infinities from overflow by changing NaN's to 0
if (std.math.isNan(a)) a = std.math.copysign(@as(T, 0.0), a);
if (std.math.isNan(b)) b = std.math.copysign(@as(T, 0.0), b);
if (std.math.isNan(c)) c = std.math.copysign(@as(T, 0.0), c);
if (std.math.isNan(d)) d = std.math.copysign(@as(T, 0.0), d);
if (recalc) {
x = std.math.inf(T) * (a * c - b * d);
y = std.math.inf(T) * (a * d + b * c);
return makeComplex(T, x, y, comp);

pub fn mul(res: *Value, lhs: Value, rhs: Value, ty: Type, comp: *Compilation) !bool {
const bits: usize = @intCast(ty.bitSizeof(comp).?);
if (ty.isFloat()) {
if (ty.isComplex()) {
res.* = switch (bits) {
64 => try lhs.complexMul(rhs, f32, comp),
128 => try lhs.complexMul(rhs, f64, comp),
160 => try lhs.complexMul(rhs, f80, comp),
256 => try lhs.complexMul(rhs, f128, comp),
else => unreachable,
return false;
} else if (ty.isFloat()) {
const f: Interner.Key.Float = switch (bits) {
16 => .{ .f16 = lhs.toFloat(f16, comp) * rhs.toFloat(f16, comp) },
32 => .{ .f32 = lhs.toFloat(f32, comp) * rhs.toFloat(f32, comp) },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -696,6 +882,14 @@ pub fn print(v: Value, ty: Type, comp: *const Compilation, w: anytype) @TypeOf(w
inline else => |x| return w.print("{d}", .{@as(f64, @floatCast(x))}),
.bytes => |b| return printString(b, ty, comp, w),
.complex => |repr| switch (repr) {
.cf32, .cf64, .cf80, .cf128 => |components| {
try Value.fromRef(components[0]).print(ty.makeReal(), comp, w);
try w.writeAll(" + ");
try Value.fromRef(components[1]).print(ty.makeReal(), comp, w);
try w.writeByte('i');
else => unreachable, // not a value
Expand Down

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