Weather app created using openWeather API, Where users can access weather information about the location given in the top search bar.
- Javascript
- Webpack
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Git clone
- Cd into the weather app folder.
- Install all npm dependencies by running:
$npm install
if you don't know what npm is, you can read what it is about here and to get it up and running in your computer, follow this guide from the npm docs.
- Open the index.html inside the dist folder with your favorite browser
- Explore the weather from all different parts of the world you can imagine.
To open the app remotely, just go and try the demo link above.
If you want to add your own API key from the openWeather API, you can do so by creating a file in the root folder called '.env' and set your API key by following the example in .env-sample.
Cities can be searched by their name, or if you want to be more specific, you can type the name, state, and country space separated in the search bar input.
If the inputted city is mistyped, doesn't exist, or simply the API request is not reaching that city weather information, the app will display an error below the search input.
👤 Victor Gonzalez
- Github: @Shaqri
- Twitter: @victorgonbu1
- LinkedIn: Victor Gonzalez
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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