🔭 Assistant Professor (no-tenure track) at the University of Parma
🌱 Interested in static program analysis and verification, abstract interpretation
📫 How to reach me: vincenzo.arceri[at]unipr[dot]it
⚡ Check out LiSA!
🔭 Assistant Professor (no-tenure track) at the University of Parma
🌱 Interested in static program analysis and verification, abstract interpretation
📫 How to reach me: vincenzo.arceri[at]unipr[dot]it
⚡ Check out LiSA!
EVMLiSA: an abstract interpretation-based static analyzer for EVM bytecode
Solidity 24
📚 a modular easy to use Library for Static Analysis aiming at multi-language analysis
Simple polymorphic virus written in Python for the "Malware analysis and Design" Master course in University of Verona
A simple bash virus (without payload) for the second assignment of the "Malware analysis and design" course in Master Degree in Computer Science in University of Verona