Expense-tracker is a project built to keep track of daily expenditures and income.
Link to the website: https://income-expense-trackerr.000webhostapp.com/
- Chart.js
- Bootstrap 5
- DataTables
- jQuery
- Allow new users to register by providing appropriate details
- Email verification of registered users
- Login verified users using Email-Password
- Forgot password (reset password using OTP sent on email)
- Change password and logout
Managing Income and Expenses
- Incomes: Income feature allows users to keep track of their incomes and perform CRUD operations on the same. Incomes can be categorized into groups.
- Expenses: Expenses feature allows users to keep track of their expenses and perform CRUD operations on the same. The expenses can also be grouped into categories.
- Budget: This feature allows users to set a limit or expected monthly spending.
- Overview: This is the summary of all transactions, income, expenses and budget at a glance where user gets analysis, statistics and trends of income and expenses over time.
Data Visualization and Reports
- Visualize expense and income data using charts and graphs
- Filter expense and income records by date
- Sort expense and income records
- Export filtered and sorted data in PDF, Excel or CSV format