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Control Point CSV Format

Andy Neff edited this page Oct 28, 2016 · 2 revisions

The CSV files format contains 5 columns.

  1. Control point name - Using common CSV format, so if the name contains a comma, the field needs to be in quotes
  2. SRID – The Spatial Reference ID number. This identifies the spatial reference system (like the coordinate system, etc…) the 3D point is in. Most commonly, WGS-84 whose SRID is 4326, where height is meters above the WGS-84 ellipsoid. For EGM96 altitudes, use 7428.
  3. Longitude - Signed decimal number in degrees
  4. Latitude - Signed decimal number in degrees
  5. Altitude - Signed decimal number in meters

Note the Longitude, Latitude, Altitude order (xyz) is not the sometimes common Latitude, Longitude, Altitude (yxz)


8 - W EDGE LINE,4326,-71.41260545,41.82771648,-22.93240538
21 - PAVEMENT,4326,-71.41134511,41.82741634,-26.41210058
34 - PAVEMENT,4326,-71.41219696,41.82699681,-24.7681585
91 - STONE,4326,-71.41380651,41.82739571,-21.99081534
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