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1.1.5 Statements

Tomaz Martins edited this page Jul 31, 2015 · 1 revision A statement by Line

Only a variable declaration is permitted per line.

private int sum = 0;
private int firstParcel = 0;
private int secondParcel = 0;
private int thirdParcel = 0;
private String fourthParcel = "";

The following form is considered wrong and is not supported.

private int firstParcel = 0, secondParcel = 0, = 0 thirdParcel, fourthParcel = 0; Startup

All variables must be initialized when they are declared. statements Classes and Interfaces

When coding Java classes and interfaces, the following formatting rules should be followed:

  • No space between a method name and parentheses containing the parameter list.
  • Open key "{" at the end of the same line as the declaration statement of the class or interface.
  • Lock Key "}" starts a line by itself indented to match its corresponding opening statement. In methods or empty builders the rule should remain, writing a review within the scope of the method / empty constructor with the following words: "Empty Constructor" or "Empty Method".
  • The methods are separated by a blank line.

An example of this statement:

public class ExampleClass {
     private int sum = 0;
     private int firstParcel = 0;
     private int secondParcel = 0;
     private int thirdParcel = 0;

     public ExampleClass () {
         /* Empty Constructor. */

     public int sum () {
         sum + = firstParcel secondParcel + thirdParcel;

         sum return;

     public void someMethod (fisrtParameter int, int secondParameter,
             thirdParameter int, String fourthParameter) {
         /* Write Instructions Here. */