Pirates is a brazilian card game from Geeks N' Orcs from 2 to 6 players where you play as a pirate and must steal treasure cards in order to win.
This is a fun little project of mine to write an online multiplayer card game server from scratch without googling much solutions. The goal of it was to solve problems (and also create a few) so I can be able to design better solutions to complex requirements.
The source code is far from perfect but I am happy with the result.
After reading the game rules, I recommend start reading the code by the Domain namespace. This layer has all game rules inside it and thus the game core.
card allows the player to get 2 cards from the central deck. I would start reading its code.
If you are still interested in this, I recommend reading the article I have done for a class at UFMG (Minas Gerais Federal University).