The idea behind this template is to explore the potential of having one creative the can be server across a range of possible slots, such as Leaderboards and MPUs, as well as responsive slots provided by ad servers.
- Work out best grid possible for a range of breakpoints available
- Move markup and styles to Sass to make sure this could be converted to a generator?
- 1220x200 - Responsive (arbitrary value, this can be different but for grid definition let's use this value)
- 970x250 - Billboard
- 970x90 - Super leaderboard 1
- 970x66 - Super leaderboard 2
- 728x90 - Leaderboard
- 300x1050 - Portrait
- 300x600 - Halfpage
- 300x250 - MPU
- 320x50 - Adhesion banner
1220 970 728 320 300