Make sure that you have last version of Node js and npm. Thеn run
!!! add .env file with
variables for example
MONGODB_URI = mongodb://localhost:27017/spark-horizon-api
PORT = 3001
SECRET_TOKEN = W3 Hav3 th3 kn0w h0w
and then:
npm i && npm run dev
npm run lint
POST /api/v1/auth/sign-in
- Sign In
email {string}
password {string}
POST /api/v1/auth/sign-up
- Sign Un
email {string}
password {string}
POST /api/v1/auth/sign-out - Sign Out
Authorization: Bearer {token}
PUT /api/v1/auth/change-password
- Change Password
Authorization: Bearer {token}
newPassword {string}
password {string}
PUT /api/v1/users/my
- Update User details
Authorization: Bearer {token}
email {string}
GET /api/v1/cars/
- List
Authorization: Bearer {token}
GET /api/v1/cars/:_id
- Get single
Authorization: Bearer {token}
POST /api/v1/cars/
- Create
Authorization: Bearer {token}
model (require) - {string}
manufacture (require) - {string}
connectors (require) - [string] - 'Type2' || 'CCS'
batteryCapacity (require) - {number}
transform (require) - {string}
PUT /api/v1/cars/:_id
- Update
Authorization: Bearer {token}
model - {string}
manufacture - {string}
connectors - [string] - 'Type2' || 'CCS'
batteryCapacity - {number}
transform - {string}
DELETE /api/v1/cars/:_id
- Remove
Authorization: Bearer {token}