This is my course exam project for Webserver Development 1; spring 2021.
This is also similar to the PHP-Booklist as well as the Firebase Booklist
CoffeBooks is a Node.JS Express web application that will render a list of books; which is inputted by any user.
Basic Programing Principels
Server CRUD should be built as APIs
Using an Online Database (I used MongoDB)
Back-end and Front-end should be developed separately
I started by developing the backend, its APIs as well as its connection to the MongoDB cluster. I used Postman to generate Get, Post, Delete (and so forth) -requests. By this stage, there where not a single line of front-end development.
The front-end got developed as the back-end got its most important features implemented. JavaScript got used with fetch requests to call the back-end API for data. Thereafter, the front-end javascript put the data into templates and it gets shown to the user.
The project includes but is not limited to the following functionalities:
Authentication utilizing JWT-tokens
Appropriate Authorization for the different types of request
BCrypt-hashing for user account security
SPA – Single Page Application, whenever a new item is added; the page does not need to reload and data does not need to be fetched unnecessarily
Node.JS Express server side, built as APIs
Front-end API fetching
MongoDB Online Database
The main page features an overview of every entry in the database
is not included in the project. Location: root folder (./
The environment-variable file contains the following:
PORT = 5500
URI = "MongoDb_Access_Config_Key_Incluing_Password"
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