A game written in Three.js. Made for a PGR2 class.
Run by opening index.html in a browser, which supports WebGL.
Alternatively, you can play the current version hosted here by navigating here: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/Vybo/tunnel_game/blob/master/tunnel/game/index.html
The rocket follows your mouse cursor. The main goal is to get the highest score by going as far as possible. The further you are, the higher the speed is (of your ship and also the rotation of the obstacles). The game ends if you hit an obstacle.
You can help yourself last longer by picking up the two main powerups: shield power and brake power. Shields (left click, hold) allow you to pass through obstacles without dying, whereas the brake allows you to slow down (right click, hold).
The third bonus is just score boost. It's shiny.