(Please note that while this is valid code, the radionano repository is the latest version of arduio based radio software (that is non-sdr). Please have a look at it.)
It has the receive and transmit oscillators using an Si5351 programmable clock oscillator, an MCP23008 port expander as a band register used to control the low pass filters, and using an Arduino ATmega328 processor. The display is a (very pretty) blue/white 16x2 LCD. Any 16x2 LCD display will work or you can change to a different size. Just change the row/column numbers if you use a different size.
All the usual radio features are there. VFO from (settable by you) 100khz thru 30 MHz (changeable in #defines at the start of code), 100 memory channels, an SWR indicator during transmit, DC voltage display on the 2x16 char LCD, different modes controlling lines on the MCP23008. Sidetone out (during CW) with adjustable tone frequency (also sets CW offset in receive). Calibrate function (in menu) to set the master oscillator frequency +/- 1 hz.
Band scan (100kc from current displayed frequency or channel frequency) is used as a way to tell if there is any activity. 100 kc is scanned in a little over 37 seconds. The RIT is a little different in that you can go past the usual +/- 10KC. Actually you can go as far apart as you like. Turning off RIT returns the receiver to the original frequency.
WSPR beacon on displayed frequency (either channel or vfo).
CW beacon on displayed frequency (either channel or vfo).
Single memory CW transmit (used for 'cq de callsign' in cw mode)
There are 100 pre-defined channels that can be changed during normal operation. They can be set to default values from the menu. (Changeable in source code).
I use an Adafruit Si5351 breakout board for my clock osc. You will need to install the Adafruit si5351 library in your arduino library for this code to work. If you use another si5351 board (or roll your own) you will need to make the appropriate changes.
The code is in Beta at the moment. It's working for me, but I'm regularly adding features. Currently the code is 25K as loaded in the Arduino.
More information in the file 'operation.txt'. Please read it.
Try a different Si5351 library (limitations on the current one used)
Clean up transmit code (not tested too well, will fix as my xmtr evolves)
DC Voltage display does not update during transmit
SWR display only active in CW/SSB transmit, not yet in WSPR/BECN or send CQ.
The .jpg file is the schematic of the controller as-built. This is my running version. It selects CW, USB/LSB (receive - I use DSB for transmit) and WSPR. The code is heavely documented. If you have any experience programming, you should have no trouble making changes to suit your setup, or just use the code as-is.