usage: [-h] [-v] [-e event] [-a account] [-p password] [-x prefix] [-s since] [-l] [-y category] [-n naming] [-m permute] [-r result] [-d directory] [--sftp-usr sftp_usr]
[--sftp-pwd sftp_pwd] [-o] [--sorted-output]
CLI argument parsing
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose verbosity
-e event, --event event
Event number; mandatory input for TMS
-a account, --account account
Account; mandatory input for TMS
-p password, --password password
Password; mandatory input for TMS
-x prefix, --prefix prefix
Permitted prefix of test case
-s since, --since since
Since the specified timestamp (in milliseconds); an option for TMS
-l, --latest Latest one only; an option for TMS
-y category, --category category
category of log
-n naming, --naming naming
The path of testbed naming file (i.e DisplayNames.txt)
-m permute, --permute permute
The path of testbed permutation file (i.e MasterTestInfo.xml)
-r result, --result result
the expected result
-d directory, --directory directory
directory of UCC log and capture
--sftp-usr sftp_usr alternative SFTP username
--sftp-pwd sftp_pwd alternative SFTP password
-o, --offline offline
--sorted-output sorted output
Note: pysftp and xmltodict packages should be installed (before running).
A utility (tool) to reprocess the report of WFA TMS service.
TMS is a web service with corresponding user interface; end-user could verify the report for specific event on the web page, download the actual UCC log (Zip archive), and dive into the UCC log for knowing what testbeds are used. The web page is a matrix styled representation for device-under-test and primary testbed pair.
Current representation of TMS could not fulfill for the test case required more than one/primary testbeds; such representation could not know whether the testbed permutation is matching with the profile specific files (i.e. DisplayNames.txt & MasterTestInfo.xml), too. Besides, the user interface is not friendly enough for bulk logs downloading.
This utility is designed to automatically reprocess the raw report of TMS API output, download each pass logs via SFTP, and compare/match the profile specific files, then, a reprocessed report with the testbed permutation could be generated accordingly.