This Expertise Finding prototype is part of the WUDE framework which consists of multiple components that contribute to the research done in the WUDE workpackage (WP5) of the SEALINCMedia project (P6) of the COMMIT public-private research community.
Expertise finding involves the following steps. First the knowledge need is specified, followed by the extraction of content that potentially contains knowledge evidence. This content is analyzed and the contained knowledge is verified which leads to the identification of valuable content (internal or external) and valuable persons (experts) relevant for the knowledge need. These steps are depicted in the following image.
Using the Expertise Finding prototype a user, e.g. a collection curator, specifies the knowledge need by first selecting a resource, such as a DBPedia page or an object from the Rijksmuseum. The curator selects the platform (e.g. Twitter, Reddit) on which potential valuable content needs to be found. The curator can choose different strategies for extracting and assessing content.
The prototype can be run on a Jave EE enabled server such as WildFly by running mvn package and deploying the created war file in the right server folder.
- Jasper Oosterman (primary developer)
Delft University of Technology
[Faculty] Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics
[Department] Software and Computing Technology
[Group] Web Information Systems
[Contact] [email protected]
##Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Dutch national program COMMIT