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Model Admin Filter for SilverStripe

Custom filters collection for Silverstripe Model Admin GridField.


For Silverstripe 5 composer require heyday/model-admin-filter

Quick Usage

Extend model admin:

        - Heyday\ModelAdminFilter\FilterExtension

In your model admin, add this function:

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function getList()
    $list = parent::getList();
    $list = $this->getFilteredList($list);

    return $list;

getFilteredList will return filtered list from custom filter.

Also in your model admin, add this function to add custom filter fields:

 * List of ModelAdminFilter custom fields
public function extraFilterFields(): array
    return [
            'fieldName' => 'Created',
            'fieldType' => 'dateTimeRange',
            'options' => [
                'beginTitle' => 'Create Date Begin',
                'endTitle' => 'Create Date End'

The example above will add custom filter of dateTimeRange which is a date time range filter of Created field. This filter will display record where Created dates and times are between selected range.

Common Field Attribute

Available Filter Fields Type

Range filters:

Search by Keyword filters:


Filter record by date range of selected date field.

    'fieldName' => 'Created',
    'fieldType' => 'dateRange',
    'options' => [
        'beginTitle' => 'Create Date From',
        'endTitle' => 'Create Date To'


  • beginTitle: custom begin label
  • endTitle: custom end label


Filter record by date and time range of selected date field.

    'fieldName' => 'Created',
    'fieldType' => 'dateTimeRange',
    'options' => [
        'beginTitle' => 'Create Time From',
        'endTitle' => 'Create Time To'


  • beginTitle: custom begin label
  • endTitle: custom end label


Filter record by numeric range of selected date field.

    'fieldName' => 'Weight',
    'fieldType' => 'numericRange',
    'options' => [
        'beginTitle' => 'Weight From',
        'endTitle' => 'Weight To'


  • beginTitle: custom begin label
  • endTitle: custom end label

Search By Keyword

Filter record by keyword, add this function in model admin:

 * List of fields filtered by keyword
public function keywordSearchFilter(): array
    return [
        'fieldsToMatch' => [
            'FirstName' => 'PartialMatch',
            'LastName' => 'PartialMatch',
        'options' => [
            'title' => 'Search Exactly',

Fields To Match: '[DBFieldName]' => '[MatchType]'. If MatchType is not PartialMatch, Exact Match will be assumed.


  • title: custom label

Hide Default Filters

Sometimes we need to hide auto-generated filters, such as $summary_fields in DataObject. Add this function in model admin:

 * Hide default filters of data objects
public function hideDefaultFilters(): bool
    return true;