desc: A Spot Information Manager for Data Structure class.
- Visual Studio 2019
- Windows Development Kit 10
use C++ as the main design language
use MFC as the visible design (Only for Windows)
use Visual Studio as the main design IDE
use MFCProject1 for test visible design
use some STL to make things easier
Graph APIs are in "UnOrderGraph.h"
Node Info has
- index ------- integer
- name ------- CString
- desc -------- CString
MST(Minimum Spanning Tree)'s algorithm Prim
in fact I use Kruskal for the most time so it's a little of hard for me to write a Prim
The Unicode problem, at first it can't display Chinese, just to change the Unicode settings for the project
C++ project's extern variable, I still can't use extern variable in a normally way, which makes me have to initial different variable in different class even though they have same content.(see the file "GraphInfoForApp.h")
To create complete status code system and give different ways to solve them is really difficult, I just ignore the failing code in my Graph APIs.