Releases: WXRIW/Lyricify-App
Releases · WXRIW/Lyricify-App
Lyricify Mobile v1.4.0-beta
该版本可通过自定义 API Client 解决 429 问题,具体详见教程:
- 自定义 API 客户端支持。
- 优化手动滚动体验,提升自动滚动流畅度。
- 启动时检测新版本。
- 优化整体用户体验,减少崩溃的发生。
- 使用全新 LRC 解析器。
Change Log:
- [Add] Custom API Client support.
- [Fix] Manual scrolling experience.
- [Fix] Optimize scrolling animation.
- [Add] New version check at startup.
- [Add] Fix iOS version bugs.
- [Add] Auto recognize copied client info in Token input area.
- [Fix] White strip issue while scrolling in fullscreen mode.
- [Add] Status Bar height aware.
- [Add] Better animation at fast line switching.
- [Fix] Android exception handler.
- [Add] Use new LRC parser.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 多方位调整 Apple Music 歌词动画。
- 修复 LRC 识别问题。
- 使用全新俄语 (ru-RU) 本地化翻译。
- 修复了一些拼写错误。
- 搜索的市场现提供未指定选项。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Better animation in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Fix] LRC recognition.
- [Add] New ru-RU translation.
- [Fix] Some typos.
- [Add] Unspecified market option in search page.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 修复 Microsoft Store 购买用户的尊享问候。
- 桌面歌词添加透明隐藏选项。
- 修复 PingFang SC 相关问题,改用 .PingFang SC。
- 改用全新 LRC 解析器。
- 修复 Apple Music 中右对齐时的一些问题。
- 修改设备延迟的可修改范围。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Store greetings issue.
- [Fix] Lyricify Update's proxy issue.
- [Add] Enter Hide for Desktop Lyrics.
- [Fix] Use .PingFang SC instead of PingFang SC.
- [Fix] Some syllable lyrics's right alignment issue in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Use new LRC parser.
- [Change] Greater range for Device Latency settings.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 全新灵动词岛逐音节动画。
- 修复自定义热键的录入问题。
- 修复 PingFang SC 的安装问题,更新 PingFang SC 版本。
- 修复新登录用户在曲目管理中无法上传的问题。
- 为 Microsoft Store 购买用户添加尊享问候。
- 修复 Spotify API 自定义代理问题。
- 修复更多 Bug。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Some issues in Track Management.
- [Add] More items in tray menu.
- [Fix] Window control buttons' size.
- [Fix] Optimize Lyricify closing message.
- [Add] Reset floating in Apple Music Sing lyrics at clicking.
- [Add] YRC optimization.
- [Fix] Splited word's shine issue in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Check Store updates at startup.
- [Fix] Proxy issue with Spotify API.
- [Add] Pause Dynamic Album Artwork in Apple Music Lyrics at playback pause.
- [Fix] Some issues with Apple Music Lyrics Playback State Bar.
- [Fix] PingFang installation issue.
- [Add] Update PingFang SC to the latest version.
- [Add] Options about Lyricify updates in settings.
- [Add] Brand-new karaoke animation in Dynamic Lyrics Island.
- [Fix] Hotkey record issue.
- [Add] Windows Key support in Hotkey Manager.
- [Fix] Only install PingFang in non-Store environment.
- [Add] Special welcome for Microsoft Store purchased users.
- [Add] Custom Spotify API Client support.
- [Fix] A bug causing uploading failure after first login.
- [Fix] Only allow mouse left button to click Window control buttons.
- [Add] Hide Custom Client API entry.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 优化公共 API 请求,提升体验。
- 为 Spotify Free 用户禁用 Lyricify 智能引擎,减少无用请求负担。
- “歌单可用性”查询回归。
- Apple Music 歌词进度条弹跳动画。
- 修复部分 Store 版本特有的 Bug。
- Media Session、桌面歌词等细节优化。
- 曲目管理添加翻译,支持复制信息。
Change Log:
- [Add] Public API Access optimization.
- [Add] Disable Lyricify Intelligent Engine for Spotify Free users.
- [Fix] Playlist availability check.
- [Add] Bouncy Progress Bar in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Fix] Optimize Media Session timeline info at startup.
- [Fix] Desktop Lyrics line switching progress issue when animation is disabled.
- [Add] Translations and copy info in Track Management.
- [Add] Notice for Apply in Main Window in Track Management.
- [Fix] Settings's file and folder path issue in Store version.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 桌面歌词问题修复,细节优化。
- 桌面歌词添加
选项。 - 歌词处理修复。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Some bugs in Desktop Lyrics.
- [Add] Option to hide unlock button in Desktop Lyrics.
- [Fix] Some issues with YRC lyrics process.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 桌面歌词全面优化,优化动画,修复锯齿,增加阴影效果。
- 修复和优化 Apple Music 歌词动画。
- 进一步减小 Spotify API 请求频率。
- 细节修复。
Change Log:
- [Add] Option to hide translation and pronunciation in Dynamic Lyrics Island.
- [Fix] Notify Icon in taskbar.
- [Fix] Desktop Lyrics issue when opened at playback paused.
- [Fix] Apple Music Lyrics animations issues.
- [Fix] Log out close issue.
- [Add] Brand-new fluent animation in Desktop Lyrics.
- [Fix] DPI issues in Desktop Lyrics.
- [Fix] Reduce Get Current Playback request frequency.
- [Fix] Disable lyrics entries when no track is playing.
- [Add] Efficiency Mode for Desktop Lyrics.
- [Add] Playback Notice in Welcome Window.
- [Add] Shadow Effect in Desktop Lyrics.
- [Add] Network Diagnose.
Spotify 用户建议使用 Lyricify 4,其他用户请使用本版本,打开后点击“继续并跳过登录”,并在 菜单
- 支持 Apple Music。
Change log
- [Add] Support for Apple Music.
- [Fix] Close Dynamic Lyrics Island after MainWindow closed.
请下载 -fix 版!
Lyricify Mobile v1.3.0-beta
- “手动滚动”回归。
- 优化动画。
- 优化登录时 429 错误等待。
Change Log:
- [Add] Bring back manual scroll.
- [Fix] Optimize animation.
- [Fix] Improve login 429 waiting.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 减少 Spotify API 调用频率,修复了一些 Bug。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Progress Ring bug in Mobile UI Fullscreen.
- [Fix] Lyrics standardization.
- [Fix] Update OneRepublic image.
- [Fix] Chinese Convertor.
- [Fix] Reduce Get Queue request frequency.
- [Add] Microsoft Store version release.