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Releases: WXRIW/Lyricify-App

Lyricify Mobile v1.4.0-beta

22 Aug 14:16
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该版本可通过自定义 API Client 解决 429 问题,具体详见教程:


  1. 自定义 API 客户端支持。
  2. 优化手动滚动体验,提升自动滚动流畅度。
  3. 启动时检测新版本。
  4. 优化整体用户体验,减少崩溃的发生。
  5. 使用全新 LRC 解析器。

Change Log:

  1. [Add] Custom API Client support.
  2. [Fix] Manual scrolling experience.
  3. [Fix] Optimize scrolling animation.
  4. [Add] New version check at startup.
  5. [Add] Fix iOS version bugs.
  6. [Add] Auto recognize copied client info in Token input area.
  7. [Fix] White strip issue while scrolling in fullscreen mode.
  8. [Add] Status Bar height aware.
  9. [Add] Better animation at fast line switching.
  10. [Fix] Android exception handler.
  11. [Add] Use new LRC parser.


11 Aug 09:23
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Lyricify for Spotify Ver


  1. 多方位调整 Apple Music 歌词动画。
  2. 修复 LRC 识别问题。
  3. 使用全新俄语 (ru-RU) 本地化翻译。
  4. 修复了一些拼写错误。
  5. 搜索的市场现提供未指定选项。

Change Log:

  1. [Fix] Better animation in Apple Music Lyrics.
  2. [Fix] LRC recognition.
  3. [Add] New ru-RU translation.
  4. [Fix] Some typos.
  5. [Add] Unspecified market option in search page.


09 Aug 03:31
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Lyricify for Spotify Ver


  1. 修复 Microsoft Store 购买用户的尊享问候。
  2. 桌面歌词添加透明隐藏选项。
  3. 修复 PingFang SC 相关问题,改用 .PingFang SC。
  4. 改用全新 LRC 解析器。
  5. 修复 Apple Music 中右对齐时的一些问题。
  6. 修改设备延迟的可修改范围。

Change Log:

  1. [Fix] Store greetings issue.
  2. [Fix] Lyricify Update's proxy issue.
  3. [Add] Enter Hide for Desktop Lyrics.
  4. [Fix] Use .PingFang SC instead of PingFang SC.
  5. [Fix] Some syllable lyrics's right alignment issue in Apple Music Lyrics.
  6. [Add] Use new LRC parser.
  7. [Change] Greater range for Device Latency settings.


02 Aug 04:53
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Lyricify for Spotify Ver


  1. 全新灵动词岛逐音节动画。
  2. 修复自定义热键的录入问题。
  3. 修复 PingFang SC 的安装问题,更新 PingFang SC 版本。
  4. 修复新登录用户在曲目管理中无法上传的问题。
  5. 为 Microsoft Store 购买用户添加尊享问候。
  6. 修复 Spotify API 自定义代理问题。
  7. 修复更多 Bug。

Change Log:

  1. [Fix] Some issues in Track Management.
  2. [Add] More items in tray menu.
  3. [Fix] Window control buttons' size.
  4. [Fix] Optimize Lyricify closing message.
  5. [Add] Reset floating in Apple Music Sing lyrics at clicking.
  6. [Add] YRC optimization.
  7. [Fix] Splited word's shine issue in Apple Music Lyrics.
  8. [Add] Check Store updates at startup.
  9. [Fix] Proxy issue with Spotify API.
  10. [Add] Pause Dynamic Album Artwork in Apple Music Lyrics at playback pause.
  11. [Fix] Some issues with Apple Music Lyrics Playback State Bar.
  12. [Fix] PingFang installation issue.
  13. [Add] Update PingFang SC to the latest version.
  14. [Add] Options about Lyricify updates in settings.
  15. [Add] Brand-new karaoke animation in Dynamic Lyrics Island.
  16. [Fix] Hotkey record issue.
  17. [Add] Windows Key support in Hotkey Manager.
  18. [Fix] Only install PingFang in non-Store environment.
  19. [Add] Special welcome for Microsoft Store purchased users.
  20. [Add] Custom Spotify API Client support.
  21. [Fix] A bug causing uploading failure after first login.
  22. [Fix] Only allow mouse left button to click Window control buttons.
  23. [Add] Hide Custom Client API entry.


14 Jun 09:47
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Lyricify for Spotify Ver


  1. 优化公共 API 请求,提升体验。
  2. 为 Spotify Free 用户禁用 Lyricify 智能引擎,减少无用请求负担。
  3. “歌单可用性”查询回归。
  4. Apple Music 歌词进度条弹跳动画。
  5. 修复部分 Store 版本特有的 Bug。
  6. Media Session、桌面歌词等细节优化。
  7. 曲目管理添加翻译,支持复制信息。

Change Log:

  1. [Add] Public API Access optimization.
  2. [Add] Disable Lyricify Intelligent Engine for Spotify Free users.
  3. [Fix] Playlist availability check.
  4. [Add] Bouncy Progress Bar in Apple Music Lyrics.
  5. [Fix] Optimize Media Session timeline info at startup.
  6. [Fix] Desktop Lyrics line switching progress issue when animation is disabled.
  7. [Add] Translations and copy info in Track Management.
  8. [Add] Notice for Apply in Main Window in Track Management.
  9. [Fix] Settings's file and folder path issue in Store version.


07 Jun 08:39
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Lyricify for Spotify Ver


  1. 桌面歌词问题修复,细节优化。
  2. 桌面歌词添加 隐藏取消锁定按钮 选项。
  3. 歌词处理修复。

Change Log:

  1. [Fix] Some bugs in Desktop Lyrics.
  2. [Add] Option to hide unlock button in Desktop Lyrics.
  3. [Fix] Some issues with YRC lyrics process.


31 May 10:36
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Lyricify for Spotify Ver


  1. 桌面歌词全面优化,优化动画,修复锯齿,增加阴影效果。
  2. 修复和优化 Apple Music 歌词动画。
  3. 进一步减小 Spotify API 请求频率。
  4. 细节修复。

Change Log:

  1. [Add] Option to hide translation and pronunciation in Dynamic Lyrics Island.
  2. [Fix] Notify Icon in taskbar.
  3. [Fix] Desktop Lyrics issue when opened at playback paused.
  4. [Fix] Apple Music Lyrics animations issues.
  5. [Fix] Log out close issue.
  6. [Add] Brand-new fluent animation in Desktop Lyrics.
  7. [Fix] DPI issues in Desktop Lyrics.
  8. [Fix] Reduce Get Current Playback request frequency.
  9. [Fix] Disable lyrics entries when no track is playing.
  10. [Add] Efficiency Mode for Desktop Lyrics.
  11. [Add] Playback Notice in Welcome Window.
  12. [Add] Shadow Effect in Desktop Lyrics.
  13. [Add] Network Diagnose.


31 May 10:27
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Spotify 用户建议使用 Lyricify 4,其他用户请使用本版本,打开后点击“继续并跳过登录”,并在 菜单 获取 中设置你的软件。


  1. 支持 Apple Music。

Change log

  1. [Add] Support for Apple Music.
  2. [Fix] Close Dynamic Lyrics Island after MainWindow closed.

请下载 -fix 版!

Lyricify Mobile v1.3.0-beta

31 May 10:29
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  1. “手动滚动”回归。
  2. 优化动画。
  3. 优化登录时 429 错误等待。

Change Log:

  1. [Add] Bring back manual scroll.
  2. [Fix] Optimize animation.
  3. [Fix] Improve login 429 waiting.


17 May 10:50
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Lyricify for Spotify Ver


  1. 减少 Spotify API 调用频率,修复了一些 Bug。

Change Log:

  1. [Fix] Progress Ring bug in Mobile UI Fullscreen.
  2. [Fix] Lyrics standardization.
  3. [Fix] Update OneRepublic image.
  4. [Fix] Chinese Convertor.
  5. [Fix] Reduce Get Queue request frequency.
  6. [Add] Microsoft Store version release.